Herman Gref has collected the most money of future pensioners

Sberbanks' pension fund overtook the former leader in that branch, Anatoly Gavrilenko's Alor Group funds. 
Among the Russian private pension funds (APFs) there is a new savings leader - APF Sberbank, which outstripped the funds of the owner of the group "Alor" Anatoly Gavrilenko, united in April in one fund. According to the data posted on the Fund's website, as of the end of the first quarter of this year, it accumulated 435.2 billion rubles. Pension savings (also the fund had 18.7 billion rubles of pension reserves). The fund had 6.8 million customers on compulsory pension insurance (OPS) and over 600,000 participants in non-state pension provision (NGO).

In April APF Gazfond Pension Accumulations (Gazfond PN) completed the merger of other funds controlled by Gavrilenko, NPF Promagrofond, KIT Finance and Heritage. As a result, the pension accumulations of NPF Gazfond PN amounted to 425 billion rubles. (Pension reserves - 16 billion rubles). The number of clients in the pooled fund exceeded 6 million people, according to the data on the fund's website. His representative specified that the number of insured persons is 6.1 million, and confirmed the rest of the data on the site.

At the end of 2016, Gavrilenko's pension funds were the leader in the amount of collected pension savings - 402 billion rubles. (Reserves - 15.9 billion rubles.), Follows from the data of the Central Bank. The funds were 6.05 million insured persons. In Sberbank it was 353.2 billion rubles. Savings (18.2 billion rubles in reserves) and 4.3 million people. Sberbank NPFs were followed by the Lukoil-guarantor fund and NPF of the power industry controlled by the Otkrytie group. In total, their pension savings amounted to 343.4 billion rubles. (Reserves - 70.4 billion rubles). As a result of the last year's transition campaign, they could not overtake Sberbank's APF. As it follows from the published data, in 2016 it attracted 2.6 million customers. The Lukoil-guarantor fund - total 298 774, and the non-state pension fund of the electric power industry - 25 459, two people familiar with the preliminary data of the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR) know. Based on the average retirement account of Russians, which is about 70,000 rubles, they could not attract more than 22.7 billion rubles in a year. Representatives of Lukoil-guarantor and NPF of the electric power industry did not provide data for April of this year (the transitional campaign is coming to an end this month).

 At 4 th and 5 th place, with a large margin at the end of 2016, there were two groups - the Future and Safmar. FG "Future" in its funds accumulated 263.3 billion rubles. Savings (reserves - 28.5 billion rubles.), NPF Safmar and Doverie, part of the industrial and financial group (PFG) Safmar, jointly collected 252.7 billion rubles. Savings (8.7 billion rubles in reserves). The representative of the Pension Division of PFG Safmar and the representative of FG Future did not provide data for April of this year.

"Sberbank's APF grows more aggressively than all funds that have merged into Gazfond PN because its network size is second only to the size of the Post of Russia network, and the possibilities of attracting NPF Gazfond PN are limited only by its own agent network and its partner banks "- says CEO of the company" Pension Partner "Sergei Okolesnov. "A well-known, well-known brand, as well as the ability of a credit organization to work with the population," attracts new customers for Sberbank NPFs, "adds Yury Nogin, director of the group of ratings of financial institutions ACRA. The commission for the conclusion of contracts on NGOs and PSOs in NPF Sberbank last year amounted to 1.3 billion rubles, a year earlier - 751 million, and in 2014 - 223 million, follows from the fund's RAS.

Okolesnov believes that the dynamics of the outstripping growth of Sberbank's NPF will continue and in the next year the gap between it and its competitors will only increase. "Now the APF will appeal to the fact that the money that is in private funds will not be transferred to the points, as for the silent, and at the expense of these funds the initial contribution of the implemented individual pension capital will be formed," Nogin believes. This can lead to increased flows to funds, and Sberbank has advantages as the largest retail bank, he concludes.