Head of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation Anton Drozdov lives in a penthouse worth 500 million rubles

If the chairman of the board of the PFR suddenly decides to sell his apartment with an area of ​​335 square meters, then the money will be enough to pay him an average Russian pension for 35,000 years.
Chairman of the Pension Board Anton Drozdov, who is responsible for raising the retirement age, turned out to be a neighbor of the voting for the increase of the State Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin.

Nest on the Patriarchs

You need to be more careful in your desires. How many times did elderly people say to officials: "Try to live on our pension." Here are the officials and live. And they live well. For example, the head of the Pension Fund, Anton Drozdov, made himself a family nest right on the Patriarchs, in the residential complex "Master and Margarita".

Ventilated facade, faced with granite and natural stone, front staircases, columns, French balconies - this is for onlookers. And for the tenants: underground parking, noiseless elevators, three guard posts, on the floors there are special rooms for washing dogs ... In general, everything is so as not to be distracted from cares of the common people.

The house has only 26 apartments, and Drozdov landed, of course, under the roof: on the sixth floor here he has a small penthouse. Well, as small - 335.5 square meters. And if he decided to sell it, at the price of a square meter in this house, about half a million rubles would have earned about half a billion. It is quite enough to receive an average Russian pension of 35 thousand years.

However, Drozdov - not the only celebrity of this LC. For almost 15 years, Vyacheslav Volodin, who under the leadership of the State Duma has already approved the increase in the retirement age, has been living here. True, Volodin and the apartment is half as much as Drozdov's, and he lives three floors below. But all the same - neighbors. So they and them, besides pensions, have something to chat about. A couple of years ago here, for example, a few apartments were flooded with thawed snow (as stated in the HOA reports), and some other pig throws waste into the garbage can without a package (it is necessary to spend common money and disinfect four times a year from cockroaches and deratization from rats ). Who could it be?

"Interlocutor" privately personally visited the inspection in the "Master and Margarita", but neither rats nor cockroaches there did not meet. Probably just was the height of the working day.

"We are generally calm here, neighbors are almost invisible," the housekeeper of one of the apartments explained.

It was not found in the complex and the gym promised with advertising with a billiard room. Instead, almost all the tenants visit the Thai massage parlor on the first floor, where there are special Thai massage programs for men. Working in the salon professionals from Thailand promise in just one hour and forty so mass reflexogenic areas of customers that active longevity they will definitely be provided. Volodin and Drozdov should be heeded. Moreover, the most expensive procedure costs only 13,500 rubles. Even less than the average pension.

They called Kozlov in the fund

Formally, Drozdov's apartment for the Patriarchs since 2009 belongs to his children and his wife, Olga Demchinskaya. Drozdov himself only a year before the housewarming moved to the Pension Fund from the Ministry of Finance and could not earn money for such an acquisition in the civil service. Demchinskaya also did not deal with business. Drozdov copied his previous apartment, on Dolgorukovskaya Street, to his mother. Where's the money from?

And now interesting. As the "Interlocutor" found out, since the beginning of the 2000s, Olga Demchinskaya received income from the investment company Rikom-Trust, which provides brokerage services. It is unlikely that her husband threw her insider information (it's illegal!), But on the stock exchange the woman played quite successfully. In 2004, for example, it, for example, "from the sale of shares and securities" earned, according to tax reports, more than 65 million rubles. While the head and owner of the "Rick-Trust" Nikolai Kozlov in the same year, according to the tax, received only 153 thousand.

However, Kozlov, too, did not remain a loser. Having headed the Pension Fund, Drozdov arranged him ... as his deputy, who oversees the investment of pension savings. Judging by the fact that "there is no money" in retirement, the investment does not proceed very much. But the "Rick-Trust", the main founder of which remains Nikolai Kozlov, everything is fine. A year ago, as if anticipating the current reform, they launched a special program of pension savings 4D and rub their hands: the later a person goes on vacation, the more he pays them.

"I do not expect a strong inflow of funds to the APF - the latter, in fact, has nothing to offer the client, except for federal loan bonds, whose market is now overtaken significantly," Oleg Abelev, head of the analytical department of Rick-Trust, explained to Interlocutor. - But we, unlike NPFs, can afford a little more in this sense. We are waiting for the influx of customers and the growth in demand for the 4D program precisely because of the greater diversification of instruments that can be invested.

However, the question of how actively these hopes are fueled by the Pension Fund, whose leadership is so closely connected with the "Ricom", Abelov did not respond anymore, advised to appeal to his leadership. But we did not wait for the answer from the management of the investment company. While the rest of the Russians are trying to reconcile themselves with the idea that they will have to plow the extra five, or even eight years, in the leadership of the Pension Fund are preparing to calculate new profits. To probably buy yourself another penthouse. Apparently, the words "Try to live on our pension" some people take too literally.

And where does Chizhik live?

One of Drozdov's deputies, Lilia Chizhik, is responsible for the pensions of civil servants in the Pension Fund. The market price of its 114-meter apartment on Udaltsova Street is more than 30 million rubles. Not half a billion, of course, but, on the other hand, the manager did not buy it - a generous state provided it to her. This is to increase pensions, there is no money, but for themselves - as much as necessary.

To understand how close the leaders of the Pension Fund are not to the people, but to the top civil servants, it is enough to look at neighbors Chizhik: there is the chairman of the Moscow City Court Olga Egorova, the family of Vladimir Medinsky, and the former Putin guard Yevgeny Zinichev (the new head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations) ... Is it any wonder that even the 77-year-old husband of Lilia Chizhik declares an income of about a million rubles a year. That would be all Russian pensioners, like her husband's deputy. the head of the Pension Fund, also received 80,000 a month!

The press service of the Pension Fund "Sobesedniku" reported:

- There is no financial relationship between the Pension Fund of Russia and IC Rick-Trust, and has never been. All revenues and property of the leadership of the FIU are declared and repeatedly verified by the supervisory authorities. During the inspections, no violations were detected.