German Gref wants to control people with the help of Kabbalah

In a scandalous video, the head of Sberbank spoke about the thousand-year-old sacred teaching and the Russian masses.
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Recent PR exercises by German Gref, who organized a circus in the “robocop outfit,” drew attention to the president of Sberbank. In social networks, other “fakaps” of our famous globalist began to be remembered.

And I came across a curious video. I will quote German Oskarovich (for those who are lazy to watch).

“From what you say, I get scared ... You offer to transfer power to the hands of the population ... as soon as all people understand the basis of their“ I ”, they are self-identified, it will be extremely difficult to manipulate them ... In Jewish culture, Kabbalah ... has been secret for three thousand years teaching, because people understood what it was to remove the veil from the eyes of millions of people and make them self-sufficient ... How to live, how to manage a society where everyone has equal access to information, everyone has the opportunity to receive unprepared information? ” - Gref asks a rhetorical question.

In principle, “nothing military” (©); It’s clear that managing the poorly educated masses is more convenient. The USSR was partially undermined by a high level of school education; therefore, the current liberal rulers are making every effort to erode the foundations of past enlightenment. It is clear that the ruling elite is afraid of “equal access to information” that has not passed through the filtering of “specially trained people”. But! But these things are discussed exclusively on the sidelines (of the White House, Buckingham or Champs Elysees, the Kremlin, etc.). Gref, on the other hand, covered the truth of the womb on the air of the federal channel Russia-24.

There can be two explanations for this.

I remember how the inhabitants of an elite hotel in Sardinia went out of the territory and calmly cast it right in front of the visitors of the neighboring public beach - there was no one to be ashamed, "cattle" who could not pay three thousand Euros per night, was not considered as something reasonable; with birds and ants, you can also spoil in the forest.

So here. Either Comrade Gref is stupid as “Aunt Lera”, or “casts”, appealing exclusively to his like-minded liberals, not bothering about the millions of spectators who do not make personnel decisions. Underline whatever applicable. Then catch up again. Emphasize.