Financial hole in Jugra Bank quadrupled to 31 billion rubles

The DIA ordered a bank deprived of a license to create additional reserves worth 24 billion rubles.
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The interim administration for the management of the bank Yugra ordered the credit institution to create additional reserves for 24.1 billion rubles. The order for this is at Izvestia's disposal. As of July 22, the negative capital of the bank was estimated at 7.04 billion rubles. Thus, now the hole in the capital is 31.14 billion rubles. The former management of the financial institution disagreed with this decision, pointing out that the employees of the interim administration did not take into account real estate pledged as collateral for loans.

The Bank of Russia withdrew the license from Yugra on July 28. Private investors will be paid about 170 billion rubles of insurance compensation. Among the reasons for the revocation of the license, the regulator called the failure of the bank to comply with federal laws and regulations of the Central Bank, the fall in capital adequacy standards below 2% and the decrease in the bank's own funds below the minimum value of the authorized capital. The Central Bank also pointed out that the bank placed the population's funds in assets of unsatisfactory quality. The General Prosecutor's Office attempted to intervene, which on July 19 protested the Central Bank's orders, calling them groundless. Nevertheless, the bank was stripped of its license.

In the order of the head of the temporary administration of Galina Alexentseva, whom Izvestia got acquainted with, demands to reflect in the accounting of the operational day of August 3, 2017, operations on the formation of loan reserves for various organizations. In this case, the document itself is dated August 14. In particular, it is possible to classify investments in securities of a number of companies classified into the fifth quality category, as follows: "The total amount to deposit reserves for these securities is 3,198,142,000 rubles". In addition, all the assets listed in the documents say that the reserves created for them should be formed "without taking into account collateral".

The total amount of reserves consists of collateral for all loans issued by the bank, which are listed in the order. The document lists assets in the form of loans to various companies and securities, which, from the point of view of the interim administration, require additional reserves. As a result, the total amount of additional reserves amounted to 24.1 billion rubles.

- As in the case of previous accruals of reserves, we do not agree. The bank had previously adjusted the provisions for collateral, but why the security pledge of 24 billion rubles stopped adjusting reserves, we do not understand, "former chairman of the bank's board Dmitry Shilyaev told Izvestiya.

As the ex-head of Ugra asserts, all loans were serviced on time and in full. According to Dmitry Shilyaev, according to the pledge secured by the bank, there are reports of the largest independent valuation companies, confirmed by self-regulating organizations of appraisers.

The former management of the bank also sees illegitimacy and in the orders of the interim administration to post postings in hindsight. At the same time, in the position of the Central Bank of Ukraine 579-P it is said that the daily balance sheet for transactions made by the head office of the credit institution should be drawn up for the expired day before 12 pm local time on the next business day.

Meanwhile, experts note that the doubt as to the quality of the bank's assets, in the actions of which the regulator found violations, is a common practice. For example, Executive Vice President of the Association of Russian Banks (ARB) Elman Mehtiyev, in an interview with Izvestia, recalled cases when the bank displayed the provision of the first category (including real estate) in the reporting, but in reality there was no security.

- It happens that in fact there are no buildings, or they do not belong to the borrower, or they are re-invested several times. Here it is necessary to understand each case. The dispute over the quality of pledges is a common discussion between the bank and the interim administration in such cases, "he said.

Analyst of the rating agency "Expert RA" Yuri Belikov explained that collateral for loans can not be taken into account in reserves, if this is poor-quality provision - for example, illiquid securities. In the case of Yugra, according to the bank's statements as of July 1, 70-80% of the debt was covered by real estate, that is, pledges of the first quality category.

- At the same time, a month earlier, the provision of the first category covered Ugra's loan debt by only 65%, and at the beginning of last year - by 40%. Most likely, the bank in an emergency regime issued pledges for its loans to reduce the pressure on reserves, - the expert suggested.

The Central Bank of Russia and the Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA) did not respond to Izvestia's request to comment on the situation.

According to the Central Bank, on July 1, 2017 "Yugra" in terms of assets held 29th place in the banking system of Russia. Consideration of the claim of the bank "Yugra" to recognize as illegal the decision of the regulator by the Arbitration Court of Moscow is scheduled for September 19.