Where the money flowed from Vneshprombank

While the DIA is looking for assets associated with bankrupt Vneshprombank, others get the most valuable assets first. 
If you reduce the debit with the credit history Vneshprombank (TBF), the balance becoming less and less reassuring for lenders. As of March 11, when the bank was declared bankrupt, the Central Bank estimated the value of its assets at 36.5 billion rubles. By July 8, the claims of creditors, according to the DIA, rose to 255 billion rubles. (Cm. Incision), whereas calculations with them in a competitive weight is only 10 billion rubles. Another 29 billion rubles. Agency has filed claims against the erring bank debtors. Among associated with the bank property, which was not included in the bankruptcy estate, it is not found so valuable assets to close the hole.

However, this property is worth billions. But they can escape from the savers TBF.

Oil bail

In December 2015 a group of Russian and foreign companies related to top managers and beneficiaries VPB laid the properties by almost 16 billion rubles. Company "Profitinvest" to secure the payment of "Rosneft" bank deposit. This became known of the seven lawsuits filed by "Profitinvestom" in the Moscow Arbitration Court to depositors: the plaintiff requested to foreclose on the collateral. Full list mortgaged npersonal property is not known, but are referred to objects with a total area 9874 square meters of court materials. m, including 2,000 sq. m LCD Prechistenskaya Barkli Plaza on the waterfront, about 1700 square meters. m in the towers "Capital City" in the "Moscow City", more than 860 square meters. m in the residential complex "Northern Crown" at Khodynka and others.

Five "Profitinvesta" claims the court has already granted, she decided to collect pledges, realized by public auction property at 13 locations in Moscow, Moscow and Kaliningrad. As follows from published court decisions, 9874 sq. m should be implemented based on the total initial price of 4.8 billion rubles. - On the amounts recognized in the pledge agreement. Eg for 1 sq. m Barkli Plaza starting price will amount to an average of 882,220 rubles. The websites of Realtor apartments in this complex offer price of 1.1 million rubles. for 1 sq. m, and parking lots - 440 000 per 1 sq. m.

In two cases, "Profitinvesta" solutions is not a property they relate, is not known.

Lucky "Profitinvest", according to another creditor bank, and two people close to the TBF, represents the interests of "Rosneft". But there is no formal connection. Is Thuowner of "Profitinvesta" until the end of March 2016 was Paul Vashchenko, who worked in the Civil Code, "Region", which market participants are linked with top management of "Rosneft". "Region" from June to December 2015 received from BIG bonds Far Eastern Shipping Company (the parent structure of the company Fesco) to 5 billion rubles.

Why "Profitinvest" receives deposits on "Rosneft" deposit can be understood from the judicial records. September 24, 2015 "Rosneft" has placed $ 200 million in TBF, which agreed to pay a year the amount of the deposit, with interest (at a rate of three month LIBOR plus 1.15% per annum). But on December 4, "Rosneft" conceded the right of claim to the BIG Moscow Credit Bank (ICB), which is paid for the oil company's $ 200.6 million (13.59 billion rubles. Bank exchange rate as of December 4). ICD in the same day, ceded rights "Profitinvestu" requirements of 13.6 billion rubles.

Five days later, the company controlled by affiliates with the bank people, laid the "Profitinvestu" property, determining its value in the amount of 15.949 billion rubles. And on December 18 the Central Bank introduced a temporary administration in the bank due to the fallcapital "to determine the objective of financial position" on December 22, imposed a moratorium on satisfaction claims of its creditors, and January 21 revoked the license. February 25 announced a temporary administration BIG "Profitinvestu" for inclusion in the third place with the requirements of the registry of creditors 15.972 billion rubles. ($ 201 million at the date of withdrawal of the license), secured by a pledge. Nevertheless, on February 29 "Profitinvest" started to sue companies depositors.

"Rosneft" representative did not respond to the request "Vedomosti". ICD declined to comment.

Creditors and debtors

Registry requirements Vneshprombank creditors was closed May 18th. According to preliminary data DIA, 11,493 of the applicant to present claims to 254.9 billion rubles., Of which 81.6 billion rubles. accounted for 10,227 of creditors of the first stage (that physical persons and the DIA, payment of insurance compensation on deposits of individuals by 44.4 billion rubles.). BIG bankruptcy trustee filed 107 claims for 275 credit agreements on which the delay in execution of obligations had been made, totaling 29.062 billion ru.

The greatest requirements for the JSC "Trading House" Stoloto "Armen Sargsyan. Posted three suits for the recovery of funds under credit agreements and foreclosure of the mortgaged property. The total amount of claims - 4.07 billion rubles "Making pledges to deposit security -. Not a standard practice for banks. Perhaps they had insider "- unhappy with the actions of" Rosneft "BIG lender.

In three of the five won "Profitinvestom" BIG claims bankruptcy trustee filed an appeal on recognition of court decisions invalid.

If the controversial deal was made less than a month before the appointment of the interim administration, receivership bank manager will actually be sufficient to prove the fact of the bank's other creditors whose claims have not been satisfied at the time of its conclusion, said the lawyer, "Ilyashev and partners" Dmitry Konstantinov. If the pledge agreement will be disputed, the creditor will lose the collateral status and rise in the general waiting list, he said.

Office for its

"Profitinvest" in March, filed a lawsuit yet and Rosr ManagementAETR in Moscow - to invalidate the refusal of state registration of the mortgage on the property in BC "Grand Setun Plaza". The third person is a company, a lawsuit to recover collateral to which "Profitinvest" has already won, but in the list of real estate there, "Grand Setun Plaza" no. Consequently, the structures affiliated with the TBF has another property. According to the register of "Vedomosti" found another 10,965 square meters. m in Sochi, Moscow, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Ivanovo, Irkutsk and Kaliningrad - judging from the base of the Unified State Register, all the objects are not laid. According to 85% of the property address - both pledged "Profitinvestu" and not mortgaged - located BIG units.

According to ACB, at the time of withdrawal of the license have been BIG 27 branches and 72 offices, occupying 15,710 square meters. m leased premises.

"It was found that most of the leased premises owned by the bank affiliated with him and his leadership of parties", - told "Vedomosti" representative of the DIA. For example, building on the Komsomolsk Avenue, which housed the head office of BIG, owned JSC "Promstroiproekt". it receivedadlezhit entrance to the bank Veronica Chelebi board, minority shareholder BIG Chilingarov Nicholas, former president of the bank Larissa Marcus, who is currently under arrest, and her brother George Bedzhamovu (was detained in Monaco, but released on bail). Marcus and Bedzhamova accused of organizing the theft of bank funds through deliberately bad loans controlled organizations.

According to BIG Statements for 2015 Bank of rental costs amounted to RUB 221.3 million. Now all lease contracts canceled as unnecessary.

Among the final beneficiaries of other companies to dispose of real estate, - Natalia Bitkash Vneshprombank minority shareholder, and among the directors - former members of the Board of BIG Sergey Ryazantsev, Adzhina Ali, his sister Anna and Chelebi. "All of them have worked for many years at the bank, so I do not believe that they can act as their own or put out of the bank's assets on its own initiative" - ​​the man says, close to the bank. "I was a shareholder, as a wedding general, - says Chilingarov. - Really I do not know anything. "

With a claim to Manhattan

Structurem Marcus may belong to eight apartments worth $ 21 million condominium in Manhattan, but at least part of the property is already the applicants, it follows from the case before a court in New York. The Swiss company Panabroker require $ 1.57 million to eight institutions established, according to the applicant, with reference to the state register, Marcus. Every company - and all in the name has an abbreviation of the LM - owned by the apartment, obtained from 2008 to 2015 by Markus itself indicates the plaintiff, applying instruments of transfer of real estate.

Panabroker the lawsuit claims that in 2001 she agreed to participate in the investment program, providing a BIG $ 1.5 million for the purchase of oil and gas equipment and equipment for the production of fertilizers under a commission of 14% (in 2007 the commission was reduced to 12%). On January 1, 2016 the bank confirmed that he had received this amount from Panabroker, but did not pay the interest due, soon he had a revoked license, and Marcus was arrested, according to the lawsuit. The plaintiff points out that the Russian authorities have accused Marcus of embezzling bank money and including the acquisition of these funds abroad of immovablespine, and is asking the court to foreclose on the property LM companies. At the end of 2015 - 2016, all apartments have been laid, and the plaintiff believes the pledge illegal. The meeting on the case is scheduled for 23 July.

To meet the claims, enough of the apartment, found "Vedomosti". Judging by the documents listed in the addresses property is located in a luxurious residential complexes, including close to Central Park. The total cost of the apartment, attributed to Marcus - about $ 21 million, calculated at the request of "Vedomosti" New York realtors. Low-cost housing in Manhattan no Q1. m is an average of $ 27,000, explains Director of Key Accounts Department of elite real estate Knight Frank Elena Yurgeneva.

While the claim is based on media reports about the charges Markus, the plaintiff in the future will need to provide the court with more substantial evidence - for example, by a final judgment of the Russian court, if this is passed, says team leader in the practice of dispute resolution Goltsblat BLP Yuri Babich.

Panabroker victory in a US court Soonie to lead to preferential satisfaction of its claims to the bankrupt bank in violation of Russian law, considers Babichev, DIA as bankruptcy trustee TBF must prevent this and protect property, through which can be satisfied the requirements of the bank's creditors. The Agency may itself initiate the process for the recognition of the Russian bankruptcy in the United States and the search for, arrest and foreclosure of the property of persons who caused damage to the TBF, he explains.

The owners have a BIG and other foreign companies. For example, in 2015 in Monaco it was established in the Principality's largest luxury boutique wine Wine Palace, which was headed Bedzhamov. Restaurant opened in the fall on the territory of the yacht club in Monte Carlo. In France, the company manages Bedzhamov FOSH 26, registered in Paris, near the Place Charles de Gaulle, and Marcus - now Boccador First, prescribed not far from the Champs Elysees. The main activity of the two companies - the renting of land and other real estate.

Baltic nuances

There were at Marcus assets and closer to Russia. According to the Land Registryand Latvia, in May 2014 the firm acquired Marcus Dzintaru panorama property in one of the most prestigious resort of Jurmala, told "Vedomosti" the owner of the portal Kompromat.lv and the eponymous newspaper Leonid Jacobson: for the land 3403 square meters. m from the sea Marcus paid € 1.85 million (a copy of the document is in "Vedomosti").

On this property there were also contenders: February 24, 2016, the Latvian firm Dzintaru 34 in Vidzeme Riga court demanded to 1.13 million euros and the owner of the site two days later court seized property as an interim measure. Consideration of the merits of the case will start March 30, 2017, other information the court does not publish. "Most likely it is an attempt to make an asset unavailable for BIG creditors for DIA", - said the bank's creditors. In his opinion, the ultimate purpose of the action - to seize the property registration on Marcus.

Lenders TBF and representatives of the Russian Federation, as an interested third party may try to cancel the arrest, but the chance to do so before the trial enough, "unless you cancel the court itself," warns drivingFirst partner of law firm "Business channel" Roman Terekhin, "For this we need to prove the fictitious nature of the court and its promotion of large-scale fraud by seizing property, and it is unrealistic, especially in view of the complex of Russian-Latvian relations."

Company Dzintaru 34, according SrediWeb.lv, was registered in 2010, the scope of activity - buying and selling of real estate. In her reign - Adzhina and Ivars Rudzitis in founders - Adzhina Alexey Chirkov, Chilingarov, Natalia Rudzite Andrei Bolotov and his wife Maya Bolotov - daughter of the president of "Transneft" Nikolay Tokarev.
Chirkov - a former member of the Board of BIG. Bolotov - chairman of the Sakhalin Shipping Company, a majority of which is in nominal holding of TBF. Prior to the collapse of the bank Marcus Bedzhamov and Bolotov together sat on the board of directors of shipping companies. Bolotov May Bedzhamova replaced as chairman of the board. Bedzhamov until June was the President of Russian Federation of Bobsleigh, the presidium which included Bolotov.

Managers, landlords

"In an hour's drive from Moscow to sooncommunities are high Novorizhskoe highway, in the ecologically clean district of Moscow region - Shakhovskoi located the new housing estate <...> on the shore of the beautiful lake of natural origin, on a hill, surrounded by coniferous forest "- so attracts buyers on its website dacha non-profit partnership (NPD)" Hanover Village. " It offers lots to 30 000-50 000 rub. for a hundred plus municipal contribution of 170 000 rubles. - A total of 35 hectares. Since July 2012 of the 280 plots sold 56. Belongs DNP former members of the Board Dmitry Vneshprombank Wear and Ali Adzhina. At last in 2011, framed under the land plots. Until recently, for their purchase could take credit Vneshprombank, central office which was established as the Moscow office of the settlement of sales. Employees Vneshprombank offered to buy land in "Hanover-Village", and for information had to refer to the Wear, says a former employee of the TBF. By the way, the bank gave out loans secured by partnership areas, heard the source "Vedomosti".

According to the site, the village has to turn into an ecological resort "GannoveRiver Country Club ", which includes a restaurant, ekootel the beach and the nearby horse farm 77 hectares" Shahovskaya ". The well-known among horsemen farm breeds horses of German sporting breeds. CEO horse farm - Litsov, and the woman, according to "SPARK-Interfax", his mother - Natalia Litsova.

Litsov says that "Hanover-Village" and horse farm are not related to any Vneshprombank nor Marcus, which in the annual report of the bank for 2012 appeared in the form of Amazon (see. Illustration). "It is very fastidious person, she does not have any animal and life has never been" - refutes Litsov Marcus interest in equestrian farm.

Litsov says that in 2007-2008. they, along with Adzhina bought a field - no more than 2 million rubles, then part of the land transferred under the country house construction.. The land was acquired on an officially-earned money in the bank, he said. BIG and really well-paid top managers. In the crisis year of 2009 the Bank's Board member received on average over the last month more than 1.4 million rubles. - Which is comparable to salaries, such as VTB, the second largest bank of the country. Total etc.ION Vneshprombank was paid a fee equivalent to one third of the bank's net profit for the year of the crisis. VTB had to pay only 1.4% of net profit. Total for 2009-2015 years. Vneshprombank rule was paid nearly 1 billion rubles.

"If you are looking for millions, it is not here. Especially billions. This small business "- so says Litsov about the future resort. Prices for standard plots of 10 acres was reduced to 400 000 rubles. But still, "not buy", he laments: expensive, because prices have fallen around even lower. "When I say that I have a horse, then immediately occurs in people thought:" Oh! Horses - it's millions of some. " Immediately begin to remember all of Kadyrov and someone else. " In fact, riding not make any money, it's just a hobby, says Litsov.

Yet there have Litsova restaurant business. In March last year, he and his mother and his brother Sergei opened in the Village of Artists on the Falcon restaurant "Dom8a". Before that families were dining "Chem Bibitur" next to "Mayakovskaya" metro station and "Knight Club" on the Sparrow Hills, but they had to close. & LAQuo; lease is not extended, "- explained Litsov. Interestingly, the new restaurant is registered in the attic of the house 7 on the Big Zlatoustinskiy alley, over a night club "Propaganda". Attic owned "Investregionstroya", whose director - Adzhina and mortgages have "Profitinvesta", which, according to a series of TBF creditors, represents the interests of "Rosneft". "Profitinvest" sued "Investregionstroyu" for the recovery of the mortgaged property (the list is not disclosed).

Spouses Rudzitis - owners of real estate development holding company Ordo Group, which, as stated on its website, "is working on the international real estate markets." According to the site, holding assets in excess of EUR 100 million over the past five years he has concluded deals for more than 7 billion euros, and is currently working with projects worth more than 2 billion euros. It is believed that Natalia Rudzite and Ivar Rudzitis in Latvia represent the interests of wealthy Russians associated with BIG, says Jacobson.

"As far as I know, they have [to Marcus] were business projects in real estate, particularly in the construction", - said ChilIngar. He could not explain the "Vedomosti", which claims to have Marcus Dzintaru 34: "The company has been registered in the past, and I honestly had forgotten about it, because no part in its activities have never taken. I do not know what it is for and what to do. Larisa said - and did ... I must go, perhaps, to understand what is happening, and somehow get out of the company. "

Chilingarov says that any claims to Marcus did not show.

"I suspect that the presence of Adzhina and Chirkov in the Latvian company rated" - said friend Marcus. Chilingarov was unable to comment on it. He says he recently learned that it had been decorated some offshore companies. "They have nothing for which they were created, have no idea, I did not know about these firms. Now the main thing - to close them, have to do it for the money. "

Ordo Group and Sakhalin Shipping Company did not respond to requests. "Now the bankruptcy trustee holds legal analysis of the situation with a view to further decision-making", - he told "Vedomosti" representative of the DIA.
Social ekootel

In the Kostroma region on the road from Kologriv village Lisitsyn in the village of Great Chezhma it is the most expensive in the area of ​​property: Agricultural Production Cooperative (SPC) "Unzha" offers visitors a look at the wild geese in the reserve "Kologrivsky floodplain", take a walk on the relic taiga reserve "Kologrivsky forest" catch cancer or pike, go hunting, take a steam bath and pass the evening in the living room with fireplace and satellite TV. The cooperative, formed from the two former state farms, deals not only with the reception of guests. As stated on its website, the arrival of new investors in 2010 allowed the company, located 5500 hectares of the farmland, to make a technological breakthrough in animal husbandry and crop production. Namely purchase tribal calves meat breed Hereford heifers in Canada, and the French beef breed limousine build new pens, purchase a new modern technology for crop production. Investors, according to the composition of the co-owners of the companies associated with "Unzhey" Marcus had a spouseLazarus, Sergei Smooth, head of some structures and Bedzhamova Marcus, as well as members of the Board of BIG Adzhina Vladislav Sitnikov, Dmitry Litsov and Sergey Ryazantsev.

It lends economy in TBF: a month ago, the bank filed a "Unzha-Invest" two claims for the recovery of 13.7 million rubles. Assets Ltd. by the end of 2014 amounted to 11.4 million.

"Unzha" - this is it, this is the hostess - Litsov says - it is a social project of [Marcus], where people began to drink less. " Details deputy chairman "Unzha" about "another project" did not talk. It has its own projects, whose connection with the BIG or its owners, he categorically denies (cm. Incision).

DIA "for obvious reasons" will not disclose plans to appeal shady deals and finding derived from the assets of the bank, said a representative of the DIA.

If the check or the circumstances of the bankruptcy in the investigation of the criminal case it turns out that some of the properties and other assets acquired by third parties at the expense derived from the bank's funds, DIA will take all possible legal steps to andreturn, he promises.