Domodedovo disclosed its owner

The owner appeared to be the Russian citizen, Dmitry Kamenshchik, announced the company; the disclosure of the fact is related to the government's plans to invest in the development of the Moscow aviation hub.
The ultimate owner of "Domodedovo" airport company named Chairman of the Board Dmitry Mason. The official announcement the company published on its website September 12th.

Disclosure of this information, "Domodedovo" is connected with the fact that the country's leadership is going to invest significant investments in the development of the Moscow air hub, putting the condition that all the participants on the development of ground infrastructure projects are under Russian jurisdiction, and their ultimate owners are known. "We agree with the fairness of such conditions", - said in a statement.

"Companies engaged in airport activities in" Domodedovo "in accordance with the national certificates and licenses are in the Russian jurisdiction, and their ultimate owner is a citizen of the Russian Federation Dmitry Mason," - the company says.

Statement by the airport was made public shortly after it became aware of the new Ministry of Economic Development bill. The Office proposes to oblige the owners of more than 1% of the shares of strategic objects transport infrastructure to provide information about yourself on a quarterly basis. These objects include invited and airports. The amendments propose to introduce the concept of "beneficial owner" - a natural person, which controls the legal entity. When amendments come into force in three months the owners will have on disclosures. After that, the operating companies will be a month to transfer the data to the authorized body.

For misrepresenting himself proposed to restrict the owner of the right to vote at the general meeting of shareholders. FSB proposed to be empowered to carry out operational-search measures to identify the beneficial owners of such facilities. One of the authors of the amendments explained that the reason for its development was precisely the situation with the "Domodedovo". While the law requires companies to disclose transactions with the "movement" of more than 5% of the shares, but not the beneficiary of a legal entity - shareholder.

After the terrorist attack at the airport in early 2011, then-President Dmitry Medvedev instructed to find the real owners of "Domodedovo". According to the source & LAQuo; Vedomosti ", to bring this work to the end could not:" Not enough laws. " Deputy Prosecutor General Alexander Buksman said at the time that it was not possible to find "the latest doll", which would help to point out the airport owner. Audit Chamber called the final owner of the Cyprus offshore Airport Hacienda Investments Limited, reminds ITAR-TASS.

The owner of "Domodedovo" airport assets has long been DME Ltd, registered on about. Maine. Shortly after the terrorist attack DME Ltd. He announced the IPO and called its sole owner of Chairman of the Board Dmitry Mason. But then the accommodation was canceled, and Mason said that he hired manager. Then, "Domodedovo" assets have been transferred to Cyprus Verulia, but its beneficiaries were still unknown.

March 6, 2013 at a closed meeting with Medvedev - is Prime Minister - decided that the owners of strategic objects registered in foreign jurisdictions, have to re-register them in Russia, or to disclose the final beneficiary. "This is not about banningWe want to and if foreigners owned these objects, then through the Russian legal entity, and if our - not to shut down, "- highlights one of the developers of the bill.

July 3, 2013 at a meeting on the development of the capital's air hub President Vladimir Putin confirmed that all the participants and for the development of aviation hub project should be known: "It is essential that all participants in the project were in the Russian jurisdiction, with certain beneficiaries." As recalled by the ITAR-TASS news agency, the president explained that it should be clearly understood, "who, at whose expense and to what extent will fund the development of airport infrastructure and is responsible for what in the end."

Who owns the airport "Domodedovo"

After the explosion at a Moscow airport "Domodedovo", the state began to think: who, in fact, the owner there? In fact, where they came from - Valery Kogan Dmitry Mason?
Vedomosti, 10.05.2011

In "Domodedovo" dealt <...> with the one who is the owner of the airport? - chrashival President Dmitry Medvedev Prosecutor General Yury Chaika at the February meeting of the law enforcement and he himself answered: - All kind of know who the owner is, at the same time begin to check, and the owner, look, hidden behind a structure beneficial ownership ".

The Board of Directors is headed by Dmitry Mason Airport, and the supervisory board - Valery Kogan. Their market participants believe the owners and "Domodedovo", but officially it is no one acknowledges. A citizens' names on. Maine, which appear on the official owners of the holding "Domodedovo" offshore, an inexperienced person and does nothing speak.

A man with a flair

not much to learn from the official biography of Kogan: born, served as an emergency in the Navy, has "a lot of experience of administrative, economic and diplomatic work." Under this description fit today every second "friend of Peter."

But Kogan, as told to "Vedomosti" his partners did not come from Leningrad, and Dushanbe. In Soviet times, he worked in the "Tadzhikpotrebsoyuze" - on those standardsIt is pretty rich consumer cooperation organization, and in the late 1980s - at the Permanent Mission of Tajikistan in Moscow, then went into business.

With links from Kogan "everything was normal," recalls his former business partner Michael Klyukin (they worked together for more than 10 years). Klyukin was head of the department of Industry of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Tajikistan, and later director of the state-owned company, which was engaged in the supply of grain to the republic. When collapsed the centralized supply system, formed food grain shortage of about 1 million tons a year and needed contacts to arrange delivery, including from Russia. Kogan, according Klyukina, "was involved."

In 1990-ies. Kogan Klyukin and became the founders of the Moscow Company "Yugtrastinvest". CEO of the company in 1995 for a short time was listed Masliukov Yuri - deputy chairman of the two governments.

Before "Yugtrastinvesta" in the late 1980s, he was the first deputy chairman of the USSR Council of Ministers (with Nikolai Ryzhkov), then - in late 1990 - the first deputy chairman of the Russian government (with Yevgeny Primakov). Masliukov, by the way, is also podilsya in Tajikistan.

"We wanted to create a financial and industrial group and invited Yuri Dmitrievich [Maslyukova] him to help, as a former chairman of the State Planning Commission", - said Klyukin. The idea was to restore the disintegrated links between enterprises in different countries of the former Soviet Union, producers and consumers in the mining, textile and other industries. After Masliukov left deputy in the State Duma, "Yugtrastinvestom" led Klyukin (he was CEO) and Cohen (President). But it was not possible to restore the connection torn down, Klyukin laments: "Too much ambition [was] in the republics."

But one of the founders of "Yugtrastinvesta" - a joint venture "Globe Invest", lit up in the report of the Accounts Chamber of the questionable spending of budget money. In 1996, the "Globe" for the currency derived from the reserve of the Russian government, bought a state-owned corporation "Rosagropromstroi". The transaction amount was $ 52.1 million, but the company has paid only $ 17.5 million (to be left). Seller - offshore "Tillo Limited" from the Channel Islands. B ofcouple Accounting Chamber refers to damage to the federal budget and violation of currency legislation - transfer of foreign currency non-resident company (in 2004 this report the prosecutor's office opened a criminal case, but in 2005, stopped for lack of evidence).

"Rosagropromstroi" at that time was headed by Viktor Vidmanov - once the construction of the Minister of Agriculture of the RSFSR, and now - a member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party. He confirmed the "Vedomosti" that the corporation then bought "Globe-invest." Vidmanov, he said, was familiar with the Kogan and collaborated with him: "We're pretty close touch on a number of issues, including the" Globe-Invest ". The joint venture was not purchased from Kogan, and the "Group", and Vidmanov could not remember who was the host.

Why for the "Globe", it was decided to pay such large sum for 1996, money? Vidmanov remembers that it was a "big and exciting project", which "is not brought to the desired condition," although "this position is taken by the government." "The idea was great, such an enterprise, such class, as it was intended, in Europe andRussia does not have, but the project has not received the full development ", - regrets Vidmanov. But what was this idea, he did not want to say.

JV "Globe Invest" has arisen on the basis of a joint '3C indestriz International "Russian-American Company, says the former general director Gennady last Gutenberg. It was a woodworking company in Solnechnogorsk district of Moscow region. The founders of "3C indestriz" means Valery and Olga Kogan and Darin, as well as partners from Dushanbe Kogan (Moscow Regional regpalaty data, stored in the database "Integrum"). This story was continued (see. Incision "Domodedovo" and "Gelendzhik").

By the early 2000s, recalls Klyukin, a joint business to restore Soviet relations "parted" and each went his own way. Kogan has become a lot of time on projects related to Dmitry Mason and "Domodedovo". "For me, it was not entirely clear - thought that we should be engaged in manufacture, - says Klyukin. - But his intuition did not fail. "

Minister Partner

Kogan became nedsedatelem supervisory "Domodedovo" Council in 2004. But his connection could be useful airport even before that - in the privatization of "Domodedovo". One of the key officials in charge of the property complex of the Moscow region, could be his partner.

In the late 1990s and Klyukin Kogan founded the Moscow "Company plus transit M". According to SPARC, another founder was Peter Efanov. In 2000 Efanov headed the committee on management of property of Moscow Region (Mosoblkomimuschestvo). Then he became Minister of Property Relations of the regional government. And in 2002-2004. He led the Territorial Directorate of Property of the Russian Federation in the Moscow region.

In 2000, with the consent of the state Mosoblkomimuschestva "Domodedovo Airport Administration" has sold the structure of "East Line" Mason (JSC "International airport" Domodedovo "), a few dozen houses. It follows from the Court (which took place when the property in Mason tried to take back). And in 2001 it signed a contract of exchange of state property to shares for whichairport complex has got a Cypriot company "East Line» - Hacienda Investments Limited.

Later, these transactions expand tried in courts of Federal Property Management Agency (cm incision.), But to no avail - it was all done according to the law. When "Domodedovo" started having problems with the Federal Property Management Agency, they could allow the participation Kogan believes Klyukin. "He did it precisely because the circle of friends he had known how to question, to whom and how to [address], - believes an old friend Kogan. - He can find a compromise. "

Another friend says Kogan as a man with a very rich biography and their own business philosophy: do everything right - and will appreciate it. Kogan is absolutely not a public person, insists the source "Vedomosti", he likes to say: "My business is to speak for me", and considers that built the good business in the world.

Kogan and Efanov did not respond to "Vedomosti" requests.

"We spread the life"

Dmitry Mason likes to write everything down. Although he has a iPad, the most important thing he enters into a large notebook, which carries sobo. And at Mason have a folder for papers, about which the joke that, judging by their appearance, she with him since my student days.

Mason came to Moscow from Sverdlovsk in the early 1990s. In his official biography states that he graduated from the Faculty of Sociology of Moscow State University. Lomonosov. Your Business Mason, like Kogan, began to build bridges - not only among the former Soviet republics, and between Russia and China. Then there are many shuttles they buy consumer goods cheaper abroad, mainly in China and then selling it to many flea markets in Russia. It is said that Mason offered shuttles service: instead carry goods across the border on itself, faced with the customs and the police, to take the bales directly into China, the company, which provided and delivery, and execution.

In those years, Mason was a partner Dmitry Shaklein. "We worked with Mason, he invited me to come - says Shaklein. - We are used to certain relationships associated Mason, we're from the same city. Then life separated us. "

In 1992-1993. Mason was the general representative of JV & laquo; East Line "in Moscow (a joint venture has been registered in his native Yekaterinburg). In 1994, Mason was headed the Moscow Joint-Stock Company (later CJSC) "East Line", which has got branches in St. Petersburg, Orel, Novosibirsk, Khabarovsk, Saratov, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky and other major cities.

C 1992 existed Moscow "company" Birch ", which was engaged in the transportation, handling and storage of goods. The co-founders were Shaklein Elena Tarschys (she, too, from Yekaterinburg) and Alexander Sopov. In the late 1990s Sopov worked as CEO of the International airport "Domodedovo" and Tarschys headed JSC "Project Zeus", which in the early 2000s to get the plane and office bankrupt company "Domodedovo Airlines".

Shaklein was listed as a co-owner of JSC "East Line" (with a share of 0.5%) and headed the Cyprus representative Hacienda Investments Limited in Moscow, which appeared in 1997 and to this day remains the owner of real estate "Domodedovo". But he denies that is a co-owner of "Domodedovo", and who is behind the Hacienda - says that it is not knowledgem. "I worked on the Mason - repeats Shaklein. - But the peak of his business had nothing to do. " In 2000, they parted ways and he took up an independent business, "I have long been its own destiny, life and work. I want to forget about it and live your life. "

Too big to sell

By 2000, when Shaklein left the "East Line", the company's business has grown so much that caught the attention of the security forces. Airline "East Line" has about 50 aircraft and, on its own data, took 1st place in Russia by air cargo, providing 28% of Russian imports of goods imported by air (and in some areas, such as China, India and Turkey, much more). Through the airport "Domodedovo", which in 1997 ruled the group "East Line", was held more than 50% of the turnover of the largest in Russia Moscow aviation hub.

In 2000, for the control of cash flows, which give pass through customs goods, a struggle of different groups of the security forces. State Customs Committee and the Ministry of Internal Affairs and General Prosecutor's Office opposed the FSB. This confrontation lastedultiple years, led to a series of scandals and resignations and greatly complicated the work of businessmen, as a weapon of struggle were criminal cases. "East line" with his Chinese goods was involved in this story in full - with searches and seizures (see incision.).

Since then, "Domodedovo" is constantly with someone fights. "We check on the fire line, checks Rostekhnadzor, the Federal Security Service, Rostransnadzor. And then there are checks things that can be interpreted by us as illegal. Of cases with suspected raider we have more than 130. Our employees have gone through 1500 interrogation. It has been a tremendous amount of seizures and searches ", - said Mason SmartMoney in 2008

Mason sees the attack on "Domodedovo" as a manifestation of "raiding", but approaches this from a position of "everything that is done - for the better." "We began to argue among themselves, good or bad, what we are facing? - He reasoned in the same interview. - And they came to the conclusion that good. Any mistake we can make in our economy is bound to be pulled out by a criminal angle of viewtions, and if the public agency when checking something not notice, the raider will tell him. For raider ideal situation - when the assets are sold and arrested, construction stopped, the staff dismissed. And we, on the contrary, learned to find pleasure in this: everything that happens to us - this is immunization. We did not relax and try to put things in order in the whole system. "

In 2004, the "East Line" has sold airline and concentrate on airport business, turning "Domodedovo" the biggest air hub of the country. Kinda result of this activity, in an interview in 2009 led co-owner of a rival "Domodedovo" - "Vnukovo" airport Vantsev Vitaly: "Everyone understands that in the 90-ies. people have a bad asset and reconstructed it. Even leaving aside the moments right now, about which many colleagues say, they say, they, of course, was reconstructed, but by what means? The funds from smuggling and yet know it. But it was possible to work out smuggling, money in his pocket to put and leave. It's true? But the money they have invested in the airport. In principle, the state, in the endin, closing their eyes and said, "Okay, we will not revise the privatization."

A recent statement by the Prosecutor General makes in this question: "The audit found that the management by the airport" Domodedovo "complex is carried out by foreign companies registered in offshore zones. Established scheme to hide the real owners <...> Given the strategic importance of the airport "Domodedovo" for national defense and state security, the current situation is unacceptable. "

A source in the company, working with the "Domodedovo", connects the output of the statement with the intention of "Domodedovo" to sell a significant stake to foreign investors. Just at the end of April - Release prosecutors released April 30 - members of the group have been meeting with potential buyers. "There may be interested in a Russian businessman, who would like to buy" Domodedovo ", but is not interested in establishing adequate prices" - suggests the source "Vedomosti". & LAQuo; the State, - he adds, - itself has created the conditions under which the business is forced to play hide and seek with him. Surprising that ownership rests on the offshore, in such a situation is illogical. "

The representative of "Domodedovo" did not respond to questions "Vedomosti".