Dmitry Zimin's Dynasty Foundation may be declared foreign agent

This can greatly complicate its charitable work with budget organizations.
The Ministry of Justice may include "Dynasty" fund in the register of foreign agents, the decision was made on the results of the recently concluded test, told "Vedomosti" four people involved in the fund. According to one of the interlocutors "Vedomosti", May 13, representatives of the "Dynasty" invited to the Ministry of Justice to present a protocol under Art. 19.34 of the Administrative Code (implementing activities of NGOs, which serves as a foreign agent is not included in the registry). Executive Director Anna Piotrovskaya fund declined to comment. Founder Dmitry Zimin told "Vedomosti" that it is nothing to say about it. Press service of the Ministry of Justice reported that, as of May 7, the act of verification fund "Dynasty" in the department has not done.

"Dynasty" - one of the largest private foundations in the country, implementing projects in the field of science, education and awareness, - was created in 2002 by the founder of "VimpelCom" Zimin. Since 2003 he is a member of the Donors Forum - Association of the largest Russian and foreign grants. In 2015, the website of "Dynasty"the planned programs and projects of the Foundation budget is 435 million rubles. (In 2014 - 352 million, in 2013 - 328 million). According to the Ministry of Justice published a report on the expenditure of "Dynasty" funds and assets to fund the disposal of funds received from both the Russian and from foreign organizations, but the amount of income not specified. The second feature, which allows to classify NGOs to foreign agents, is its political activity.

Misleading policy

Most of the 70 species of "political activities" of NGOs included in the register of foreign agents, frankly "far-fetched", the report said the Commissioner for Human Rights Ella Pamfilova.

According to the person close to the management of the fund, is there now trying to prove to the Ministry of Justice that the fund does not use foreign money and the money of the Zimin, lying on the foreign accounts. This, according to the interlocutor, is due to the silence of the organization, which was political activity only in the fact that it has sponsored projects fund "Liberal Mission" Yevgeny Yasin (publishing, the award "rosvetitel "economic seminars). At the same time the fund is thinking about how to continue the work in case of contact with agents register. One of the proposals - the strategy does not change, considering the status of the agent honorary award. But this status is almost impossible to work with budget organizations, and the "Dynasty" a lot of projects with museums, schools and universities.

According to the charity for the development of the Public Chamber commission member Elena poplar-Soldunova, the news is that "Dynasty" can get into the list of agents, just silence them: private philanthropic foundations in Russia, and so one, two and miscalculated. In this work the fund meets all the standards of openness, there is simply exemplary built management system, she says: "I do not understand what you can find there the political activity."

Activities of the Ministry of Justice on the accusatory political activities in the work of NGOs is ideally described by the Soviet term "voluntarism," said political analyst Ekaterina Shulman: "When the agent declared the Moscow School of Political Studies in materials of Ministersrstva was among other things a record of my talk, which is a slightly compressed and popularized as the material that I read in one of the universities. Whether lecturing on political science in political activity? Ministry of Justice, seems to live in a wonderful world of Platonic ideas, where there is no boundary between the word and its material embodiment. " The expert recalled that the definition of political activity in the law rather dull, the Constitutional Court has not made clear in this matter, and prepared by the Ministry of Justice and the HRC a new version of the law still promise to soon bring to the discussion of government.