Government's gold reserve

Sverdlovsk ministers explained high incomes of their families and foreign property.
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The financial disclosure statements of members of the Government of Sverdlovsk in 2014 were published in the end of April, but it left a lot of questions. The median income of Ministers 2.5-3 million rubles, while the earnings of their spouses are measured in tens of millions of rubles. found as a housewife can receive more than 30 million rubles a year as the family of Deputy Prime Minister to help relatives, as well as how much you can earn from the sale of the house on the north of the region.

Transport and Communications Minister of the Sverdlovsk region, Alexander Sidorenko last year earned 2.13 million rubles. This is 15 times less than his wife - Yevgeny Sidorenko, whose income exceeded 32 million rubles. "My wife - housewife. For a long time it was owned office space that it leased, and last year she decided to sell them. No other income was not ", - said the minister In 2013, Eugene Sidorenko revenues were indeed modest - she declared 1.4 million rubles.

Even more - 46.83 million rubles - earned Tatiana Zyryanov, Sverdlovsk wife of Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Zyryanov. In 2013her income was significantly lower - 22.5 million rubles. According to the database "SPARK" data, it appears among the founders of "Interboss-Holding", which controls the Ural plant RTI. However, according to Sergey Zyryanov, the growth of its revenues from the operation of the plant is not connected. "She has a commercial property, which it rents out, is its core business. This office space in Yekaterinburg. In addition, my wife's dad sold the apartment and gave her money ", - explained the Deputy Prime Minister. Zyryanov himself earned 2.42 million rubles in 2014.

Note that Sergey Zyryanov from year to year is the only member of the Sverdlovsk government that declares a property abroad - it owns two apartments and a garage in Bulgaria. "This property I purchased quite a long time, more than 10 years ago. At that time, it was much cheaper than in our Black Sea coast. If there is no rigid instructions, I do not see the need to sell it. If there are indications - will perform. To date, we clearly forbidden to have accounts abroad, and about the Propertyimosti instructions not "- said Deputy Prime Minister.

High incomes and Oksana Pyankova, wife of the head of Alexei MUGISO Pyankova. In 2013, it earned 19.8 million rubles, in 2014 - 18.5 million rubles. According to, she is an interior designer, working mainly in the northern regions of the Urals Federal District. However, in Yekaterinburg she has large orders, according to some reports, she developed the design of the apartment for one of the top officials in the region. Note that Alexei Pyankova revenues in 2014 amounted to 2.3 million rubles.

The wife of First Deputy Prime Minister Alexei Orlov earned in 2014 a little bit compared to the other - 1.4 million rubles. It draws attention to the fact that its income has grown substantially during the year, as in 2013 she declared earnings in the amount of 23 thousand. Rubles. Orlov explained it simply: car sales. According to the declaration, she sold Audi Q5, but acquired BMV X3. Earnings Orlov was 5 million rubles.

Among the ministers of the richest member of the government proved to be the head of the Ministry of Construction Sergey Bidonko, who until last December worked mayor Karpinsk. Its revenue amounted to 13.28million rubles. "We had a big house near Karpinsk and land. We decided to sell and buy an apartment. Proceeds from the sale of the house remained, and I declare them ", - explained Bidonko. The wife of the minister in this case the income is much more modest - 684.46 thousand rubles.. However, she owns a car Audi A5, in the use of flat (159.2 sq. Meters).