Dmitry Ananiev gets rid of assets in Russia

A banker who has left Russia is looking for buyers for a development group, a printing house and an agricultural holding.
The central bank announced the rehabilitation of Promsvyazbank on December 15 last year, and recently transferred it to the government - it will be the state defense order bank. Now the former co-owner of the bank Dmitry Ananiev said in an interview with Vedomosti that he categorically disagreed with the decision of the regulator. Later, his brother Alexei told Vedomosti that he and his brother had decided to share the assets. Alexei had a system integrator Technoserv, Dmitry had a banking business, a development group of the PSN, and media assets. Alexei attracted VTB partners and sells him 40% of Technoserv, and Dmitry left the country.

He lives in Cyprus in the apartments of the Four Seasons hotel, where he meets with former partners and solves issues with assets, several acquaintances Ananyev told Vedomosti. The only Cyprus Four Seasons located in Limassol. A guest by the name of Dmitry Ananiev is not registered in it, the hotel porter told the "Vedomosti" correspondent. Now Lyudmila Ananyeva lives in it - perhaps Dmitry stopped with her, the porter suggested. Lyudmila is the name of Dmitry Ananyev's wife.

Representative Dmitry Ananyev did not comment on his whereabouts. He did not answer any other questions.

Ananiev hired people whose task is to either sell the remaining assets or controllably bankrupt them, an employee of one of Ananiev's structures told Vedomosti and confirmed his acquaintance.

The representative of Promsvyazbank declined to comment.

Who is from home, who is at home

Ananiev is looking for a buyer for his development company - the PSN group, told the "Vedomosti" three consultants who worked with the company. They, as well as two developers - a competitor of the group Ananyev know that the whole group is exhibited for sale, as well as its individual projects.

The group's portfolio, according to its data, is 3 million square meters. Among the key projects are residential complexes Sreda on Ryazansky Prospekt, Polyanka, 44 in Bolshaya Polyanka, Pravda on the same street.

The representative of the SPN denied that the company was put up for sale. Information on her debts and creditors, he refused to disclose. Previously, the developer reported on plans to sell one of its complexes - the elite apart-hotel I'm Tverskaya.

Printing in New Riga

On the evening of May 28, a message was published on the website of the Single Register of Legally Significant Information on Legal Entities (Fedrasurs) about the forthcoming bankruptcy of Polygraphic Combine Extra-M. With a statement to the court intends to apply the general director of the printing house "Extra-M" Yevgeny Muraviev, the creditor is Promsvyazbank. Muravyova declined to comment.

At the end of last year, under a similar statement, the company's head was launched a simplified bankruptcy procedure in the form of liquidation of the publishing holding "Extra-Media", which used to be part of the printing house.

An employee of one of the companies Ananiev knows that in the case of the printing house the owner also intends to carry out liquidation under a simplified procedure. Ananiev many years unsuccessfully searched for the buyer on the printing house. And since a businessman does not want to return debts to his former bank or give him assets, he intends to liquidate the enterprise and conduct a simplified procedure under his own control, Vedomosti interlocutor says.

"Extra-M" in the Moscow region of Krasnogorsk is one of the largest newspaper printing houses in Russia. Now they publish Rossiyskaya Gazeta, the Moscow version of Metro, Kultura, Pravda, Gudok, Vedomosti, and others. It is a fragment of the former media empire of Ananiev Media3. The holding was established in 2007, a year later its turnover, according to its own data, exceeded 14 billion rubles.

Media3 published newspapers of advertisements "Extra-M" and "Center Plus", the newspaper "Trud" and "Arguments and Facts", owned a printing and printing complex, a network of 2,500 stalls throughout Russia, a delivery service, as well as Internet assets, the largest of which - the site of ads for the sale and purchase of real estate TsIAN. Ananjevs were going to take Media3 to the stock exchange or sell it to a strategic investor, but after the 2008 crisis the plans had to be changed. By 2015, Media3 sold all the print media, after that the Ananjevs closed the courier service, and the Elbrus Capital fund bought out their share in the CICAN group.

Revenue of the Polygraphic Combine Extra-M in 2016 amounted to 1.35 billion rubles. According to SPARK-Interfax, in 2013-2016 this business was not profitable, in 2016 the net loss of the company was 273 million rubles. Data for 2017 is not published. Shares of this enterprise and its property are pledged in Promsvyazbank and AvtoVAZbank, stated in SPARK-Interfax.

Typography should Promsvyazbank about 1 billion rubles., Said an employee of one of the companies Dmitry Ananyev, the bank, he said, has already told the company that he intends to collect the debt immediately. Another interlocutor of Vedomosti, who knows in detail the financial condition of the printing house, claims that in 2017 the enterprise has become profitable, has a stable stream of orders, the company is able to service debt and is economically far from bankrupt.

Ananiev's acquaintance, on the contrary, says that the printing house has not become profitable, its main value is the land along the Novorizhskoe highway. This land is in long-term lease until 2048. Promsvyazbank, according to the interlocutor of Vedomosti, is working to gain control over this asset.

Chickens do not peck

In January-February 2018, debts in Promsvyazbank ceased to be serviced by a large Russian agroholding "White Bird", an acquaintance of Ananievs told Vedomosti. He argues that at least until the collapse of Promsvyazbank, the agroholding was not simply credited to this bank, but it was also controlled by the Ananiev brothers: "Promsvyazbank operated the operational system for managing the White Bird" - all those involved in the bank regularly met and discussed , how to manage a group ". The founder of the "White Bird" Igor Barshchuk in 2013 told in an interview to the magazine "Agroinvestor" that the structures of "Promsvyazkapital" own a controlling stake in the agricultural holding. Kommersant newspaper in April 2018, referring to "market participants", called the Ananiev brothers the beneficiaries of Cypriot Stephont Developments, which owns 99% of the shares of the holding company "White Bird". According to the Cyprus registry, the only shareholder of Stephont is a firm from the British Virgin Islands, whose owners are not disclosed.

What does Dmitry Ananyev own?

Printing house "Extra M" in Krasnogorsk

Group of companies "White Bird" - one of the largest chicken producers in the country

Business-center «Arbat, 1» - the flagship in the portfolio of the developer PSN

The Ananievs always stressed that the relationship between Promsvyazkapital and the White Bird is exhausted with loans issued by Promsvyazbank, they denied any affiliation. After the division of business, the brothers "Promsvyazkapital" went to Dmitry Ananyev.

"White Bird" was founded in 2004, its main enterprises are located in the Belgorod, Kursk and Rostov regions. In 2017, according to Rosptitsesoyuz, "White Bird" has become the fourth producer of poultry in Russia with a market share of 4.9% - over 300 000 tonnes of chicken.

Now the Kursk division of the "White Bird" is put up for sale, knows the familiar Ananiev: "Basically debts to the" White Bird - Belgorod ", and Kursk - the best quality that remains."

The total debt of the White Bird Group is more than 30 billion rubles, says the person who discussed the financial situation with the group's management and confirms the familiar brothers Ananyev, the bulk of this amount should be provided to Promsvyazbank.

Through the trading house "White Bird" in 2016 (there are no more recent data), the products were sold for 21.3 billion rubles, the company's loss - 771 million rubles. (the data of SPARK-Interfax). The total revenue of the Group's main production assets in 2016 amounted to about 39 billion rubles. Almost all of them were unprofitable.

"White bird - Kursk" - one of the main assets of the group, uniting the hatchery, seven poultry farms, poultry processing plant, reported holding in March 2015 on the site (now there is no such data). 100% "White bird - Kursk" is in pledge with Rosselkhozbank (RSHB), follows from the USRLE, the control in the company (51%) is from the Cyprus Belbrook Holdings, the beneficiaries of which are not disclosed.

Now the control over the Kursk division of the "White Bird" is trying to get the Rusagro agroholding Vadim Moshkovich and Rustem Mirgalimov from AVG Capital Partners, a former employee of the White Bird, a top manager of a large agricultural holding told the Vedomosti that the company also received an offer to buy this asset, and familiar Ananiev. The latter adds that the RSHB can also take part in the rescue of the White Bird-Kursk. Negotiations with several potential investors are continuing, the representative of the "White Bird" said, not revealing the details. He could not clarify the amount of debt, as well as whether his group serves him.