Bird flu was found again on the grounds of GC "Evrodon"

At the sites of the company "Evrodon" again detected avian flu. The war for turkey turkey in Russia finally passed into the category of bacteriological: in addition to Eurodon, which lost 2.6 billion rubles, a recent blow was struck at the companies of the brothers Igor and Naum Babayev.
The genetic material of the avian influenza virus was detected in two of the 24 sites of one of Russia's largest industrial turkey meat producers, the Eurodon group of companies. This was reported by Interfax with reference to the press service of the holding. The flash was revealed the day before, on July 15, a representative of Eurodon added in a conversation with Vedomosti.

Avian influenza is a viral infection that affects the digestive and respiratory system and most of the internal organs of the animal. When the disease is overcrowded, the birds suddenly die, and when they are acute they are in a depressed state, with an increased temperature, and so on. Some strains of the disease are transmitted to people.

"Eurodon" of the Rostov businessman Vadim Vaneev - one of the largest producers of turkey and duck meat in Russia: in 2017 the company, according to its own data, produced about 63 000 tons of turkey and 28 000 tons of ducks in live weight. The revenue of the group's main company, Evrodon, was 8.3 billion rubles in 2016, and a net loss of 2 billion rubles, according to SPARK-Interfax (no data for 2017). According to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, Vnesheconombank owns 40% of the group's head company, 34% has its pledge structure, 11% has Vaneev, the rest is from Valery Gergiev, the director and art director of the Mariinsky Theater.

 In the shops, the turkey from "Evrodon" is sold under the brand "Indolina", ducks - "Utolina". "Eurodon" intends to recall products from retail chains, the representative of the group noted.

This is the third outbreak of avian influenza on Eurodon sites in less than two years. The first was revealed in December 2016. Then Eurodon destroyed 700 000 birds, or about 6% of the total annual livestock. In the spring of 2017, the disease again hit the company's birds, it was necessary to destroy another 300,000 heads. The aggregate damage from two outbreaks exceeded 2.6 billion rubles, a representative of Eurodon recalled.

This time, a positive result of the virus showed three out of ten samples at two poultry breeding sites in the Oktyabrsky district of the Rostov region, a representative of Eurodon said. According to her, the infection of poultry houses could occur through ventilation - during the recent hurricane and field work, the products of vital activity of wild birds rose in the air.

 The Rosselkhoznadzor, according to its representative Yulia Melano, does not plan to make statements on this incident. "Our colleagues from the regional veterinary service work on the spot - they have all the information," she noted. To receive the comment of the representative of Management of veterinary of the Rostov area while it was not possible.

"Eurodon" damages will be calculated later, the company representative promised, there is confirmation of insurance companies that it will be repaid.

Since the spring of 2018 outbreaks of avian influenza have been noted already in six regions, including in the Penza region. There foci of the disease were found in several private farmsteads, as well as in the center of the parent flock of the Vasilievskaya poultry farm of the Cherkizovo group and in the territory of one of the blocks of the poultry farm Penzamolinvest of the Damate group. The last two companies are the largest producers of chicken and turkey meat respectively.