The company's debts are 85 billion rubles, and, according to Chemezov, "the financial recovery of the company at this time is already impossible." This is not a bank, with such debts will not help, analysts say, noting the falling demand for agricultural and road machinery in three crisis years. The formal end of the crisis - the growth of industrial production and GDP, coincided, obviously, with the accumulated tension in various sectors of the economy, as the number of bankruptcies is growing.
BMP to the right, seeders to the left
"I believe that it is necessary to bankrupt the enterprise, because no financial recovery will help. The company is in extremely difficult financial situation, there are huge debts ", - quotes the words of the head of Rostekh Sergey Chemezov about the concern" Tractor Plants "(KTZ) agency TASS. The KTZ exit plan from the crisis was launched in December 2016. VEB as its largest creditor received the ownership of the military division and transferred it to the management of Rostekh. It was planned that the group would return to profitability in the second quarter of 2017, but this did not happen, despite the state support of agricultural machinery production.
Chemezov noted that the state corporation Rostek will claim part of the concern's ownership, since Kurganmashzavod (part of the KTZ, produces infantry fighting vehicles) owes the enterprises of the state corporation about 17 billion rubles.
OJSC Kurganmashzavod is a very serious asset. As stated on his website, this enterprise, part of the Concern Tractor Plants, is one of the leaders in the Russian military-industrial complex, the only company in the country that produces infantry fighting vehicles, such as: upgraded BMP-1, BMP-2 and BMP-3.
In addition to the Kurgan Machine-Building Plant, the concern includes an impressive list of industries (in the form of joint-stock companies): Altai Motor Plant, Vladimir Motor-Tractor Plant, Volgograd Machine-Building Company VGTZ, Zauralsky Forging and Foundry Plant, PA "Krasnoyarsk Combine Factory", "Krasnoyarsk Plant of Forest Engineering", "Lipetsk Crawler Tractor Plant", "Onega Tractor Plant", "Promtractor", "Promtractor-Wagon", "Promtractor Promlit", "SAREX" (excavators) , "Trak the VGTZ, the Cheboksary Aggregate Plant, the Volzhsky Combine Plant, the Vogel & Noot Group of Companies (Leipzig, Germany).
On the one and a half dozen backbone enterprises, more than 20 thousand people work. The total debt of the "Tractor Plants" exceeds 85 billion rubles. According to Kommersant, VEB agrees with the idea of ​​bankrupting "Tractor Plants", bankrupt will also declare the Netherlands subsidiary of KTZ - Machinery & Industrial Group N.V and the owners - Albert Bakov and Mikhail Bolotin.
The crisis passed, bankruptcies began
The bankruptcy of the concern "Tractor Plants" is a manifestation of the general machine-building crisis in the country, and incorrect actions of the company's management, says Mark Goichman, leading analyst of TeleTrade Group. Production of domestic special equipment for three years fell by one third, according to the estimates of the Association Rosspetsmash. In addition, domestic products in most cases do not withstand competition with imported analogues, whose share in the market is now 65-70%., Believes Mark Goichman.
In the first half of 2017, the Promtractor enterprise, incorporated in the KTZ, produced 55 units of road construction equipment, the analyst said. But to return a share in the market you need to produce up to 1,000 units per year. The loss on EBITDA is 100 million rubles. for two quarters of 2017.
All the circumstances indicate that it is impossible to enter profitable business, Mark Goichmann states. He predicts very negative consequences - financial losses of creditors, mass dismissal of personnel and stuff.
Anton Bykov, the leading analyst of Analytic-Service, notes that if industrial enterprises with state orders, primarily those related to the defense complex, show signs of life, then civil industry, as he said, "resigned itself to its fate." However, in the absence of a clear and understandable state strategy for the development of industry, the current situation can be called planned, rather quickly, he says.
Unsurprisingly in this situation, Rostek's desire to bankrupt "Tractor Plants" and take away assets related to defense, where there is an understandable and clear customer, notes Anton Bykov.
It can be concluded that in the near future "Tractor Plants" is really waiting for the bankruptcy procedure, he concludes. The level of debt burden for a Russian industrial enterprise is too high, more than 80 billion rubles. Such money in the domestic economy is allocated only to the rescue of banks. For the enterprises of the concern that carry out the defense order, nothing will change in the work, the owner will simply change. As for civilian production, their fate is unenviable and sad, believes Anton Bykov.
It can also be noted that this bankruptcy fits into what is already beginning to resemble the trend. The recent taking of the Central Bank, more precisely by the "Fund for the Consolidation of the Banking Sector", the major FC Otkritie and Binbank, is not formally called bankruptcy, the banks continue their full-fledged work. But this is only due to the fact that the Central Bank has as a matter of fact unlimited means to support its own industry. And widely, though selectively, takes advantage of these opportunities. In other cases, banks are closed and recent cases are also more than enough.
And only on the eve of the announcement that the "Tractor Plants" will be launched, a scandal broke out with the airline VIM-Avia, whose planes stopped issuing from airports for debts. The owner of the company fled abroad, and on Thursday the general director and chief accountant were detained. At the "exit from the crisis", which is really fixed by the growth of macroeconomic indicators, economic entities suddenly fell one after another.