Araz Agalarov imposed sanctions on Armenian goods

How long will the power structures turn a blind eye to the possible "provocations" of billionaires.
Moscow oligarchs continue to take an aggressive stance against the background of the conflict with Azerbaijan and Armenia. Now the showdowns are already being started in Russia and are taking place against the backdrop of the work of shopping centers and markets. At first it became known that goods from Armenia were removed from the shelves of "Your House" hypermarkets owned by "Crocus Group" Araz Agalarov. Now in some telegram channels information has appeared that allegedly money is being collected from workers in the markets to support the army.

Apparently such "promotions" are held under a good power "roof", however, she is already beginning to endure troubles and losses from the ringleaders. Law enforcers are clearly not on the unfolding confrontation, which can be covered by the owners of objects. Well, it turns out that the "shout" of Vladimir Putin is needed to cool the hot blood of businessmen?

In fact, it turns out that the conflict is fanned by a troika of businessmen Araz Agalarov, God Nisanov, Zarakh Iliev. The Moscow Post previously wrote about what is happening in the Food City market, which belongs to the latter two.

Later, several publications at the Armenian Embassy were informed at once that their exporters no longer have access to the counters of the shopping centers of the entire "Your House" chain, which belongs to Araz Agalarov. At the same time, the party did not receive a letter of refusal to accept food.

As the authors of the telegram channel "VChK OGPU" wrote, allegedly at the facilities and market points controlled by Araz Agalarov, Gode Nisanov, Zarakh Iliev, fundraising was going on in recent days to support the Azerbaijani army. There was even a figure of $ 20 million. Moreover, this happened in a very aggressive form and provoked new unrest.

Recall that even the chief editor of "Echo of Moscow" and a kind of mouthpiece for Vladimir Putin Alexei Venediktov called on businessmen from Armenia and Azerbaijan to stop the fights "Araz Agalarov, Ara Abrahamyan, God Nisanov, Samvel Karapetyan and other men. It's time for you to urge the brothers to stop the Armenian-Azerbaijani fights in Moscow. Turn to people, they will hear you, "Venediktov wrote in his Telegram channel.

A thin thread of patronage

Previously, such clashes were terminated by force: they cordoned off the markets, law enforcement officers carried out internal work. But now, for some reason, things are different.

It should be assumed that the secret is that the Russian authorities are very interested in Araz Agalarov's business. And almost immediately they run to his aid.

Back in May, UtroNews wrote that the businessman had received a billion-dollar state contract for a hospital in the Moscow region without a competition. It will be housed in the oligarch's Crocus Expo.

This generosity came after the businessman cried about the poor state of his business, and compared it to a "sinking ship." The group's resources are very small and only enough for salary payments, he said in an interview with RBC.

And where does Araz Agalarov's money go? Until now, he cannot complete the construction of the Semashko medical center in Simferopol, constantly delaying the deadlines. In April, he asked the Crimean government for an additional 2 billion rubles. Nobody really explains what and how this money will be spent. As no one knows for certain where the already invested 10 billion rubles went. The Moscow Post has already written that it smacks of a large-scale "cut" of funds.

Prior to that, the Agalarov structure was engaged in the construction of a stadium in Rostov-on-Don for the 2018 FIFA World Cup. The construction of the facility was accompanied by a criminal case. In particular, it turned out that hundreds of millions of rubles worth of concrete was not supplied for construction, which significantly undermined the stability of the facility. As a result, Nikolai Bezuglov, ex-head of the Ministry of Construction of the Rostov Region, was arrested. The heads of the subcontractor, which was engaged in the improvement of the site, were under investigation, Izvestia reported. In this case, Agalarov came out dry.

In general, everything that concerns Russian business, Agalarov is a master of "complaining" and, most importantly, it is not only effective, but also effective in terms of financial support. For example, in May, he announced that the timing of the completion of the houses of the bankrupt Urban Group could be postponed due to downtime associated with restrictions in the context of the pandemic, Russia-24 reported.

But on the other hand, perhaps it is this project that makes Agalarov feel at ease. Still, solving the problems of defrauded equity holders is a responsible task.

However, there are some facts indicating that Agalarov may be in the balance. For example, the connection between Crocus Group and a large Moscow construction site - a section of the Central Ring Road.

Crocus used Avtodor's advances worth 14.6 billion rubles. for placement on deposits, and not for the construction of the Central Ring Road, established a criminal investigation against the ex-head of the state company Sergei Kelbakh, wrote RBC.

According to the security officials, Kelbakh agreed to "illegally provide" Agalarov with an additional advance in the amount of 2 billion rubles. That is, instead of the prescribed 12.6 billion rubles, they gave 14.7 billion rubles.