Andrey Malakhov will leave Russian Channel One

The rumor that TV presenter Andrey Malakhov will leave the show "Let them talk" is gathering new evidence.
The first channel conducts a casting for the leader, although Malakhov himself remains silent, confining himself to vague messages in his Instagram.

Information that the presenter Andrei Malakhov will leave the first button after 25 years of permanent service appeared in late July and produced the effect of a bomb exploding. The summer media lull is to blame for that, or Malakhov became so firmly associated with the First Channel during his work that there would be no television without him. Be that as it may, the news of the possible dismissal of the TV presenter was reprinted by all Russian media. Even the "Rain" TV channel, which usually does not follow the mainstream agenda, released several stories about Malakhov at once, thus provoking discontent of its subscribers who defiantly despise official television.

Official comments on the departure of the TV presenter from the channel have not yet come from either side. However, "Komsomolskaya Pravda" referring to the spectator of the extras of the program "Let them talk" reported that the new issues are being shot without Malakhov. The presenter of the program "Time" Dmitry Borisov and the TV journalist from Krasnoyarsk Alexander Smol are trying to play the role of the presenter. According to eyewitnesses, Borisov on the record behaved stiffly, unlike Smol, who easily communicated with the characters of the program. Sam Smol indirectly confirmed his participation in the casting.

"It's too early to say anything else. The decision of the leadership of the First Channel has not been announced yet, which means that I, as a decent person, simply can not comment on anything. It was about the fact that the decision will be known at the end of the week, but so far it is not there, "said Krasnoyarsk journalist KP.
Andrei Malakhov is still on vacation and does not comment on what is happening.

On the leader page in Instagram, only a report on the work at the festival "Heat" in Baku and numerous selfies from the beach. But the other day he created a "story" (Instagram function, when the post disappears some time after publication), in which he quoted from the newspaper Vedomosti. It contained recommendations for the leader, according to which the chief should be able to prevent and treat the burnout of subordinates, and improve the mood in the team. After hanging for several hours, the post disappeared, but the media managed to reprint it and amicably came to the conclusion that Malakhov hints at his conflict with the new leadership "Let them talk."

The fact that the first returned producer Natalya Nikonova, who left the channel 9 years ago. She ran such rating programs as "Let's get married", "Fashion sentence" and "Malakhov +". Actually "Let them talk" - also the offspring of Nikonov, she even worked as an "ear" for Malakhov. Then, as a result of the conflict, Nikonova moved to the work of VGTRK, where she became the author of the analogue "Let them talk" - the program "Live" with Boris Korchevnikov.

According to the "Rain", Nikonova is a very tough leader, with whom Malakhov has had conflicts before. In addition, after her departure 9 years ago, the places of producers "let them talk" were taken by close friends of Malakhov - Mikhail Sharonin and Natalya Galkovich. The return of Nikonova did not fit into the plans either of Malakhov himself or his team. According to the BBC, the departure of the TV presenter is also due to the desire of the new leadership to add political topics to the show, which Malakhov categorically disagrees with.

Journalist Oleg Kashin calls Malakhov himself "an influential politician." "In our telecentric country, the leaders of the Malakhov level are like power ministers, and the resignations of these ministers violate the political balance in the country much more than personnel reshuffles in the government," Kashin wrote in the column on "Rain." According to Kashin, if the coercion is made from the "Let them say" political show does take place, then the government "shoots itself in itself," for "Malakhov already agitated for Putin for almost twenty years of the existence of his program." He did not talk about politics, but he "in real time invented" dear Russians ", formed their tastes and habits, their value system."

"All this philistinism, over which it is customary to sneer at, hypocrisy combined with a desire to peek, naive conservatism is exactly what Malakhov consistently created, and this is exactly what Putin has enjoyed and enjoyed all these years," concludes Kashin.