Ananiev brothers worked on a five-day

The investigation revealed schemes for embezzlement of funds from Promsvyazbank.
Kommersant learned about the details of the criminal prosecution of the former owners of Promsvyazbank (PSB) Dmitry and Alexei Ananyev, who were arrested in absentia by the Basmanny court for international search. According to the investigation, using the Cyprus branch of the bank, the brothers stole 66.3 billion rubles, $ 575 million and € 24.4 million for fictitious transactions for five days, and legalized 39 billion rubles in one day. and $ 169 million

The investigation team on the case of the Ananyevs bankers is headed by Aleksey Veselyev, senior investigator on especially important cases of the State Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee of Russia (TFR). Colonel of Justice Veselyev received fame five years ago when, as part of an investigation into the theft of shares in enterprises belonging to the fuel and energy complex of Bashkiria, the son of the then president of the republic, Ural Rakhimov, was put on the international wanted list, and the head of AFK Sistema was put under house arrest. Alexander Yevtushenkov and interim measures were taken on the shares of enterprises belonging to Bashneft. As a result, the shares were returned to the state, and then bought back by Rosneft.

As follows from the materials of the current investigation, Colonel Veselyev, the largest shareholder of the bank was Promsvyaz Capital B.V., a registered CCI of Amsterdam, which controlled 62.5% of the shares. Promsvyaz Capital B.V. itself, established the investigation, on an equal footing (49.99% each) was controlled by Antracite Investment Ltd and Urgula Platinum Ltd. And the rest of the shares went to Menrela Ltd. All these companies were equally owned by Aleksey and Dmitry Ananyev, confident in TFR.

Along the way, according to the investigation, the brothers held the posts of chairman of the board of directors and board of directors of Promsvyazbank, which was included in the list of systemically important credit organizations and ranks 9th among Russian banks in terms of assets.

According to the conclusions of the investigation, Dmitry and Alexei Ananyev “using their official position” and exercising general management of the bank, were “authorized to dispose of the property” of the credit organization, make decisions on operations, make transactions on behalf of the bank, etc. However, having similar powers , the owners of the bank ignored the findings of the Central Bank audit, which in December 2017, as part of the supervision revealed that the bank statements did not reflect the real financial condition of the bank and, “being substantially unreliable,” threat to the interests of clients and creditors.
In this regard, on December 11, 2017, the Central Bank, as follows from the materials of the criminal case, demanded that the management of the PSB urgently replenish the reserves in the amount of 104.6 billion rubles, by banning major operations, including using the Cyprus branch of the bank in Limassol. However, having examined the new report, signed by the then head office of Promsvyazbank Dmitry Ananyev, the regulator came to the conclusion that he “directly testified to the need to appoint” an interim administration. On December 15, 2017, LLC “Management Company“ Banking Sector Consolidation Fund ”” LLC, according to the order of the Central Bank, received these functions.

Just at that time, the investigation notes, Aleksey and Dmitry Ananyev, as well as unidentified persons, joined together in an organized criminal group to “illegally steal money” from the financial structure. For this, from December 11 to December 15, 2017, bankers entered into 24 contracts with companies under their control - Minga Management Ltd, Fintailor Ltd and the already famous Dutch Promsvyaz Capital B.V. The subject of the agreements was the sale and purchase of various securities, including bonds of Promsvyazkapital JSC, little-known PSN PM LLC and Peters International Investment, preferred shares of Promsvyazbank itself, etc.

All settlements with counterparties, according to the investigation, were conducted through Promsvyazbank-Cyprus, where settlement accounts were opened for companies controlled by brothers. Despite the full payment by PSB, the securities were “not delivered” and the terms of the contracts were not fulfilled.

This, according to the investigation, allowed the organizers of the criminal group to appropriate 66.3 billion rubles, $ 575 million and € 24.4 million. At the second stage of the criminal scheme, the TFR believes, in order to conceal “the illegal origin of the stolen property and give it a legitimate form of ownership” On one day, December 14, 2017, “on fictitious grounds”, RUB 31.7 billion were transferred to Peters International Investment, as directed by Mr. Ananyevs, and another 8.2 billion rubles under the guise of a loan.

A few hours later, all the money received, including even more than $ 160 million, was fragmented and transferred to another nine companies, the settlement accounts of which were also in the Cypriot branch of PSB. The lion's share of these transfers came from Bimersano Service ltd and Fintailor Investments, which received more than 20 billion rubles. and $ 83.2 million. Thus, the investigation is sure that the organizers of the criminal group legalized 38.8 billion rubles. and $ 169 million

After the establishment of these circumstances, the TFR qualified the actions of the Ananyev brothers as embezzlement on an especially large scale (part 4 of article 160 of the Criminal Code) and legalization of the kidnapped (part 4 of article 174 of the Criminal Code). At the same time, banker's lawyers, including Alexander Zabeyda, representing the interests of Dmitry Ananyev, are sure that the persecution of their clients "has a political context." Deals, which the investigation interprets as unlawful, advocates believe, were completely legal.