Alexey Ananiev said goodbye to Technoserv

The Moscow Arbitration Court introduced supervision, the initial bankruptcy procedure, in the IT company Technoserv AS, one of the main structures of the Technoserv Group. Until 2018, it belonged to the Ananyev brothers, after sharing the property it ended up with Alexei Ananyev.
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The Moscow Arbitration Court began the bankruptcy proceedings of the Technoserv AS system integrator and introduced supervision in it, reports Prime.

An application for declaring Technoserv AS bankrupt was filed in February by Sibenergomash Management Company LLC. The amount of claims in the lawsuit amounted to almost 2 billion rubles, it follows from the case file. The Moscow Arbitration Tribunal included debt to the applicant in the amount of more than 2.2 billion rubles in the register of claims of the Technoserv creditors. The court appointed Vasily Zaitsev as the interim manager of the company. The consideration of the bankruptcy case is essentially scheduled for February 13.

Technoserv AS is one of the main operating companies of the Technoserv Group, which implements various IT systems and implements projects for the development of information and communication infrastructure, energy and engineering systems for large enterprises. “The Technoserv Group until 2018 was owned by Alexei Ananyev and his brother Dmitry Ananyev, who also owned Promsvyazbank. In December 2017, the Central Bank announced its reorganization, after which the brothers shared the assets, “The Technoserv Group went to Alexei Ananiev. In the same year, he first sold a 40% stake in VTB, and then mortgaged another 49.99% in the bank.

In December 2018, VTB removed Ananyev from managing Technoserv, as the bank said, due to gross errors of the businessman and his management, which brought the company to a “pre-bankruptcy state”. In addition, in the same month, VTB sold collateral for non-fulfillment of loan obligations and took away the right to dispose of shares, a representative of Ananyev told Vedomosti. He told the newspaper that in July 2019 Ananyev sold the Cypriot company, through which he owned the remaining 10.01% of the Technoserv Group.

In December 2018, Promsvyazbank filed a lawsuit against 282 billion rubles against the former owners and top management of the bank. In the appeal to the court, the bank indicated a number of episodes in which, in the opinion of the organization, the law was violated. In particular, the purchase of bonds at prices that are several times different from market prices.

The representative of Technoserv said that the court decision was the result of transactions concluded by Alexei Ananyev and his management back in 2015. “The new management, which began management in December 2018, was placed in difficult conditions when the totality of the requirements presented to the company exceeded the ability to satisfy them,” he said, noting that “Tekhnoserv” would appeal the court’s decision.