Sergey Katsiev


"Red and White" from Sergey Studennikov pressed or bought?


The history of the network "Red and White" - from takeoff to sale.

Alcohol will be poured on three: Sergey Studennikov, Igor Kesaev and Sergey Katsiev have agreed to merge


As a result of the merger of Red & White, Dixie and Bristol, the third largest retailer in revenue will appear in the country. According to Forbes, the current value of "Red & White" is 1.4 billion dollars.

Polite armed men: why do tobacco billionaires need machine guns and anti-aircraft guns


Co-owners of "Megapolis" distributor Igor Kesaev and Sergey Katsiev sold their stake in the company for for $1.5 billion to transnational corporations. Why, after a record deal, they decided to invest in the arms business?