Sergey Fedotov


Five facts about RAS: how the "business" of arrested Sergey Fedotov is organized


Main collector of royalties in Russia Sergey Fedotov has been accused of fraud by the Investigation Department of the Interior Ministry. RBC selected five stories about the structure of the Russian Authors Society (RAS), which is headed by Fedotov.

British investor visa failed the head of RAS


The head of the Russian Authors Society has been arrested for two months.

Interior Ministry and Federal Security Service uncovered the fraudful scheme in the Russian Authors Society


Ministry of Internal Affairs opened a criminal case on fraud in the Russian Authors Society. The possible damage is more than 500 million rubles. On the morning of June 27, searches began in the office of the company and apartment of RAS head Sergey Fedotov.

Author of the tax on RuNet is the owner of real estate development business in England


Head of the Russian Authors' Society and the author of the idea of ​​the tax on the Internet Sergey Fedotov appeared to be a developer. Together with unknown partners, he owns real estate in the UK worth more than £8 million.