Morozov Denis


Artem Chaika will be given a wing by the state


JSC "Corporation for the Development of the Magadan Region" entered the capital of five LLCs of Artem Chaika, the eldest son of the plenipotentiary in the North Caucasus Federal District and ex-Prosecutor General Yuri Chaika.

Ex-Director of EBRD Denis Morozov will work for BofA Merrill Lynch


The former EBRD director from Russia, Denis Morozov, was interested in the Russian office of Bank of America Merrill Lynch with his contacts at the state level and experience with large infrastructure projects.

VTB purchased the largest debt asset of the EBRD in Russia


VTB bought out a loan from the EBRD issued for the Western high-speed diameter - a high-speed highway in St. Petersburg. The EBRD has withdrawn from its largest debt position in Russia and continues to reduce its portfolio due to sanctions.