Matthias Müller


Dieselgate will cost Volkswagen $15 billion in the US


Cars will be repurchased or repaired, their owners will receive $5000-10000 of compensation, which is not promised to the Europeans.

"Dieselgate": where the new head of Volkswagen leads the carmaker


The "diesel scandal" delivered a serious blow to the reputation of Volkswagen and threatens the German concern with billions in fines. RBC looks into the attempts of the new head of VW Matthias Müller to improve the situation.

A mechanic from Porsche: who was assigned to clean Volkswagen's reputation


New Director of Volkswagen is the head of Porsche Matthias Mueller. Born in East Germany, an ambitious manager was able to bring the luxury car maker out of the crisis. Now he has to clean up the reputation of the entire Volkswagen Group.