Larisa Prokopyeva


Evalar has prepared a large herbal revolution for Russia


The promotion of "medical supplements" through pharmacy chains is reaching a new, industrial level. The domestic manufacturer of biologically active food supplements "Evalar" is completing the construction of a new plant and registers at once three dozen new supplements. What will be inside of these 6 billion new tablets and capsules per year?

Multi-billion profits of Evalar are due to fraud


Pharmaceutical company Evalar is one of the Russia's largest manufecturer of biologically active additives. At the same time, the Federal Antimonopoly Service is constantly demanding the company to stop advertising of dietary supplements as drugs or agents that have a therapeutic effect.

Money on grass: who earns billions on bioadditives


Production of dietary supplements is a very profitable business. What can afford Russia's largest player on this market with the revenue of 7.4 billion rubles?