Ismailov Telman


Montenegro warmed fugitive Ismailov


The former billionaire accused in a series of murders in Russia has received political asylum in Montenegro. The head of the TFR, Alexander Bastrykin, instructed to sort out this situation.

Ismailov moves out of a French villa


The billionaire is robbed of assets around the world.

Telman Ismailov lost in Las Vegas


The ex-owner of the Cherkizovsky market was sued and sold a shopping center in the USA

Telman Ismailov sits out in Cannes while they are looking for him all over the world


The former owner of the capital's Cherkizon is being chased by the prosecutor of Zurich, the International Bank of Azerbaijan, bailiffs of the state of Nevada, our VTB, Turkish and Russian security forces.

Miroslav Melnik takes a walk in Prague


VTB Group sold the former building of Telman Ismailov for 1.4 billion rubles to the co-owner of the Cheryomushkinsky market.