Haritonin Victor


State-owned company Rosnano sold Viktor Kharitonin a stake in PET technology


The state company sold Viktor Kharitonin a stake in PET-technology.

The owner of "Pharmstandard" Augment Investments is liquidated


His Cypriot company Augment Investments, which owns the main producer of arbidol in Russia - Otisipharm, as well as Pharmstandard, is being liquidated.

Egor Kulkov invested in British medrobots


The former shareholder of Pharmstandard has now become the largest shareholder of the British start-up CMR. The enterprise plans to compete with already existing robots-surgeons da Vinci.

The consolidation of "Pharmstandard" costed Viktor Kharitonin too expensive


Minorities of "Pharmstandard" have seized from the main owners of the company 540 million rubles.