Gagiev Aslan


Family of former Energy Minister Yusufov is preparing an alternate airfield in California


Land assets in Moscow are hastily sold, and a business center for $ 72 million has already been bought in Silicon Valley.

The son of the ex-minister Yusufov built a palace in Silicon Valley


What money did the son of the former Minister of Energy of Russia Igor Yusufov Vitaly buy real estate in the United States.

Aslan Gagiev was accused for a life sentence


The criminal authority given out from Austria did not recognize the organization of the killer community.

"Butcher" Alan Gagiev extradited from Austria to Russia


On the account of Gagiev - more than 60 brutal murders of businessmen, bankers and law enforcement officers. The killer could brake his delivery to Moscow as he could, simulating "aerophobia".

Austria decided to give Russia "butcher" Aslan Gagiyev


Lawyers of the criminal authority, accused of organizing 60 murders, insist on his aerophobia in a severe degree.