Doronin Vladislav


Vladislav Doronin was not given the green light in Colorado


Developer Vladislav Doronin purchased a plot for the construction of a luxury hotel in Colorado for $76.25 million, but faced criticism from the local press.

Capital Group is aiming for a Moscow project with a volume of 1.3 million square meters


To do this, the developer must agree with the co-owners of 97 hectares on the understudy of Kutuzovsky Prospekt.

Capital Group intercepted the projects of the PIK Group in Moscow "for renovation"


After a departure from the Russian affairs of Vladislav Doronin from his scandalous partner Paul Teo, business in Moscow went uphill. Capital Group squeezes into a cuttingaway-otkatnuyu epic called "renovation of the housing stock of Moscow" and is ready to profitably exchange projects for themselves.