Boris Nemtsov


Nemtsov's murderer was convicted for 20 years


A verdict was pronounced to Zaur Dadaev and his accomplices.

Nemtsov was killed by a ghost


Records of a video register and weather cameras on Bolshoi Moskvoretsky bridge make the picture of what was happening before and after the assassination of the politician even more incomprehensible.

Boris Nemtsov left his children one billion dollars


The lawyers petition the court to conduct an examination to determine the number of heirs more accurately.

RBC investigation: what came out of the "case of Nemtsov"


Investigators tried twice to present charges in absentia to Ruslan Geremeev, a possible organizer of the murder of Boris Nemtsov, but both times the decision wasn't signed  by the head of the Russian Investigative Committee Alexander Bastrykin.

Nemtsov might have been killed in the autumn of 2014


The Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation established the exact date when preparations began for the assassination of Boris Nemtsov. This happened in September, 2014. The total payment for the crime committers should have been 15 million rubles. They were ready to murder Nemtsov as early as in October, but an opportunity turned up only four months later.

Nemtsov's daughter was advised not to look for the "paymasters" in Chechnya


Source of Rosbalt familiar with the situation told the news agency what Zhanna Nemtsova had meant, when she wrote on social networks that she was under pressure in connection with the investigation of her father's murder.

Reuters received Nemtsov's note on Ivanovo paratroopers who had allegedly fought in Ukraine


The politician's assistant Olga Shorina got it when discussing the future report on the war in the Donbass.

Yeltsin's friend, Putin's enemy: what trail Boris Nemtsov left in the politics


Boris Nemtsov was 55 years old. He achieved a lot: the scientist, the governor, the vice-premier, MP, member of the opposition. Remembering him, people use the words "bright" and "talented".

Shooting near the Kremlin: Boris Nemtsov killed in Moscow


A prominent politician Boris Nemtsov was killed in Moscow. He was shot to death late Friday night in front of the Kremlin by four shots at close range.

The ruble, oil and advanced market


Why soon only very few people will be interested in Russia's foreign policy ambitions.

How much is the Donbass?


What's the possible price of Russian expansion.