Blazhko Maxim


Maxim Blazhko launched "Scarlet Sails"


Alye Parusa supermarket chain, one of the oldest in Russia, will close all stores. The management of the historic supermarket "Eliseevsky" will also be transferred to another player.

Igor Sechin's friends took up collection business


The Cyprus company Riverstretch Trading & Investments (RT & I) has knocked out assets from Boris Mintz and Maxim Blazhko without noise and dust.

Mysterious company collects projects of Blazhko and Mints


Another project of the founder of "Donstroi" can go to the company, which is associated with the Cyprus Riverstretch Trading & Investments.

Scandalous developer Maxim Blazhko will lose his last major facility in Moscow


The Moscow Arbitration Court ordered the sale of the firm - owners of LCD Neskuchny Home & Spa. The plaintiff was VEB, to whom the businessman's structures owed in aggregate up to 12 billion rubles.

Boris Mintz buys out minority stakes in O1 Properties


О1 Group Boris Mints will become the sole owner of O1 Properties.

Maxim Blazhko again loses assets


The founder of Don-system lost control of Sorta.

Region Group will become new owner of TNK-BP's Russian office


Region GC will become the owner of the Nordstar Tower office center near the Begovaya metro station, which originally belonged to the founder of "Don-Stroy" Maxim Blazhko. Earlier, Rosneft entities were named as the new owner.

Rosneft has been sued because of the debt for the lease of office in Moscow


The owner of Nordstar Tower, almost half of which is rented by Rosneft, is suing the oil company because of the debt amounting to 620.7 million rubles. Perhaps, the dollar rental rents set up before the crises don't seem fair for the state-owned company anymore.