

Bulletin board for $2.7 billion: how Avito came to success


In the fall of 2015, online free bulletin board Avito was estimated at $2.7 billion, which means that now it can challebge the Russian Internet giants: VKontakte, Yandex and Mail.Ru Group. RBC investigated how Avito had come to success.

Yandex has complained to FAS about Google


Yandex believes that Google, the owner of the Android operating system, limits the manufacturers in cooperation with competing services.

RBC investigation: how officials outsmarted Yandex


Officials no longer demand Yandex to register as a media, perhaps because they have learned to interact with the robot search engine.

«Against the world in the open»: an interview with Sergey Galitsky and Arkady Volozh


Rules of non-resource business of the two major Russian businessmen, the founders of Magnet and Yandex.