VTB Insurance


Disputes about the causes of the loss of the AngoSat-1 satellite are close to completion


VTB Insurance and Sogaz without proof of a freelance situation may not pay RSC Energia 121 million dollars. Then the corporation will have to create for Angola a second satellite in return for the deceased completely at its own expense - a minimum of $ 250 million.

To purchase VIP seats at the World Cup 2018 for employees of state companies spent more than 200 million rubles


During the matches, employees of state companies plan to look for new partners in the stadiums' lounges and strengthen ties with existing partners.

Sogaz and VTB Insurance will create a giant of the Russian insurance market


In a number of market segments, the new company will become a monopolist.

From the spaceport Vostochny launched the third in its history rocket


From the spaceport Vostochny in the Amur region launched the third in its history rocket. Among the eleven spacecraft being launched into the near-Earth orbit, there are nine foreign satellites. The launch is insured for more than 10 billion rubles.

AngoSat-1 is out of sight


The first Angolan satellite will try to revive in April.