Tverskoi Court of Moscow


The court prolonged the arrest of the main figure of the "cocaine case" Andrei Kovalchuk


The Tverskoy Court of Moscow extended the period of arrest until the beginning of winter of the alleged organizer of cocaine supplies from Argentina to Andrei Kovalchuk. The suspect with the verdict did not agree, earlier the defense asked to release Kovalchuk on bail of 3 million rubles.

The escaped military builder Alexei Dushutin is wanted


After serving six years in jail, the former head of OAO "VSUM" was released last year under house arrest, after which he quickly escaped from the country. The investigators intend to find him through Interpol in Canada, where he is hiding.

Scandalous banker Andrei Vdovin arrested in absentia


Co-owner of the sinking Asia-Pacific Bank (ATB) is charged with embezzlement of $ 13 million. Vdovin himself has been hiding for more than a year outside the Russian Federation.