the Government of Belarus


Baku chooses Polonaise


Belarusian missile systems may appear in Azerbaijan as early as 2018.

Hidden $100 billion: how Russia supports Belarusian economy


Russia and Belarus have reached the next anniversary of the Union with a crisis in bilateral relations. RBC has estimated how much it costs for Russia to support its "special relationship" with Minsk.

Landing denied


Belarus is barganing on the deployment of a Russian air base on its territory.

How Russia and Belarus reinstalled the border control


Minsk criticized Russia's decision to establish a border zone on the border with Belarus. The measures are directed against the nationals of third countries, says Moscow. However, they can affect the citizens of both countries, and the decision may be political, experts say.

Lukashenko told about trying to participate in the privatization of Bashneft


Belarus offers Russia to exchange shares Bashneft for a stake in Belarusian companies, said President Alexander Lukashenko. No answer until now, he complained.

Ashgabat ran out of money


Implementation of a grand Belarusian-Turkmen project could be derailed.