State company Mostotrest


Arkady Rotenberg leads a chord through the burial ground


The billionaire’s company won a contract to build part of the Southeast Chord, on the path of which is a radioactive repository.

Arkady Rotenberg made candy out of shit


The co-owner of Mostotrest has grown by more than $ 200 million; it is the only Russian billionaire to have an increase in the value of assets at the beginning of this week.

Arkady Rotenberg will continue to cash in on construction


Arkady Rotenberg called the Crimean bridge his last major project. But when the ferry between Taman and Kerch worked, he changed his mind about leaving a large construction site.

Rothenberg is more: the third representative of the family became a billionaire


Forbes estimated the state of co-owner of the "Platon" Igor Rothenberg in 1 billion dollars.

Arkady Rothenberg wants to buy a majority stake in Mostotrest


Businessman Arkady Rotenberg intends to buy out a controlling stake in the structure of Russian Railways, one of Russia's largest contractors, Mostotrest.