Goldman Sachs


Russian oilmen get super-profits from rising oil prices


Russian oil companies are making super profits from rising oil prices. This promises an increase in dividend yield to the owners of their shares.

Secrets of Wilbur Ross's ghost state


Becoming US Secretary of Commerce, Wilbur Ross promised to give up his assets. But he did not. His family now owns an extremely toxic investment portfolio, in which there are, for example, shares of companies related to Vladimir Putin's inner circle.

Morgan Stanley predicts a recession in Russia


Toughening US sanctions will lead to a recession in the Russian economy, Morgan Stanley said. This is the third investment bank, which over the last week worsened the country's economic forecast due to restrictive measures by Washington.

How Russian companies circumvent Western sanctions


The history of the Siemens turbines in the Crimea demonstrates the weakness of sanctions and the ingenuity of business.

$1.1 billion for speculations: how the director of Goldman Sachs became a billionaire


Bloomberg  declared Director of Goldman Sachs Lloyd Blankfein a billionaire. The history of a boy from a poor family, who was a good student, worked hard and became the head of the powerful investment bank, is the embodiment of the American dream.

Resilient shale: why the US oil industry will survive the collapse of prices


The continued drop in oil prices, which since June 2014 has reached almost 60%, raised questions about the well-being of the American oil shale industry.