Workers of "Penzhimmash" complained to Vladimir Putin for illegal dismissal

The manufacturer of equipment for the oil, chemical and food industries has been in bankruptcy since March 2017.
The prosecutor's office of the Penza region began checking compliance with labor legislation at OJSC Penzhimmash. The audit is related to the video address of a part of the labor collective to the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, in which the workers stated that the enterprise is making unjustified reduction of employees. Ivan Belozertsev, the region's governor, made a request to check the bankrupt enterprise. Trade union organizations argue that the cuts are legal. The workers do not comment on the factory.

The prosecutor's office of the Penza region reported on the inspection of OJSC "Penzkhimmash", related to the report of the workers of the enterprise on the violation of their labor rights. The prosecutor's office of the Oktyabrsky district of Penza is in charge of the audit on behalf of the regional prosecutor. "If there are grounds, the whole complex of measures of the prosecutor's response will be adopted, aimed at protecting the rights of citizens and bringing the perpetrators to justice," the prosecutor's office explained.

The audit is related to the video message published this week in the social networks by the video message of the part of Penzkhimmash's labor collective to Russian President Vladimir Putin. Employees of the enterprise say that the factory is "reducing and unjustified dissolution" of workers. In the video, representatives of the labor collective say that the plant's management "deliberately disrupts production," and the Penza administration refuses to interfere in the affairs of the owners.

On Monday, Ivan Belozertsev, governor of the Penza region, announced the problems at the plant, having learned about the video message. "The fact that there are problems, the employees of the plant themselves reported. Previously it was downloaded, probably now there is no such volume of orders. It is necessary to understand the situation, analyze what assistance the government of the Penza region can provide to solve the problem, "Mr. Belozertsev said and instructed the Deputy Prime Minister of the Region Valery Bespalov and the Minister of Industry, Transport and Innovation Policy Mikhail Torgashin to visit the enterprise and discuss the situation with the plant management .

• OJSC Penzhimmash has been working since the 1950s. It is one of the largest suppliers of large-capacity equipment for oil and gas production, chemical, metallurgical and food industries. The total area of ​​production buildings is 140 thousand square meters. Nominee holder of 100% of the Company's shares is LLC Depository and Corporate Technologies. In the annual report for 2017 the company recorded a loss of 350 million rubles, in 2016 the profit was 923.3 million rubles. Revenue fell from 2.5 billion to 1.8 billion rubles.

In the Penza regional organization of the trade union of workers of industry "Kommersant" they said that the workers wrote down 7 shops. "Abbreviations there do take place, they are held according to the order of the leadership. Before they cut staff, they are offered a place in Penzkhimmash, if they do not agree, they are fired for staff reduction, "said the chairman of the trade union organization, Elena Vinokurova, to Kommersant. How many employees have already been reduced and how much is planned for reduction, the trade union organizations can not say. According to Ms. Vinokurova, releases occur at enterprises where Penzkhimmash is a management company: Personnel LLC, Engineering Center LLC, LLC Penza Plant of Non-Standard Equipment. Penzkhimmash OJSC is also associated with LLC Penza Plant of Large Equipment (director of the enterprise Alexander Korzhavin - former co-founder of Penzkhimmash), OJSC Penzkhimmash Plus (90% owned by Penzkhimmash OJSC). In total, according to, at least 70 legal entities are registered at the same address with "Penzhimmash". Earlier, the deputy minister of industry of the Penza region Mikhail Antonov said that at least 10 enterprises with a similar profile work on the production sites of the plant, employing about 1,500 people.

Penzkhimmash OJSC itself has been in bankruptcy proceedings since March 2017 at the request of the Moscow LLC "NPK" Kedr "". The Penza enterprise owed NPK more than 2 million rubles. According to the loan agreement concluded in June last year. Now in the register of creditors there are 10 companies whose claims amount to more than 2.5 billion rubles.

And about. CEO of Penzkhimmash OJSC Denis Tretyakov yesterday was unavailable for comments: during the day he was at a meeting, after which he left for the factory, and it was not possible to find him at the workplace of Kommersant.

The Ministry of Industry, Transport and Innovation Policy of the Penza region said that while there is no clarity with Penzhimmash, the department's management was not there yesterday.

The executive director of the Association of Industrialists of the Penza region Alexander Akimov says he knows about the problems with paying salaries at Penzkhimmash, which may be related to the financial problems of the plant. At the same time, in his opinion, the bankruptcy procedure in which the enterprise is located can be completed with recovery. "I do not think that there will be nothing left from the plant, but an investor is needed that can provide his orders. There are examples in the region when factories, after going bankrupt, resumed production, recruited staff, "Mr. Akimov said. In his opinion, in the event of the liquidation of Penzhimmash, the Penza region, in addition to the tax base, will lose little, since the production of the plant was not used inside the region.