Wildberries are ripe for strike

Employees of the points of issue of orders on the marketplace demanded that Tatyana Bakalchuk pay them extra for their work, revise the KPI and remuneration system and introduce a break schedule.
Origin source
The information appeared in the text of the petition on the Change.org website. In case of non-fulfillment of their requirements, the employees of the issuing points threaten with a strike.

What happened

The petition, which by the time this material was published, had collected more than 37,000 signatures, was preceded by a strike. As the employees of the pick-up points (pickup points) and the organizers of the petition told Forbes, on September 14, the work of several hundred Wildberries pick-up points was stopped for about six hours. The campaign was supported by points in almost 40 cities of Russia: Ulan-Ude, Chita, Krasnoyarsk, Ufa, Moscow and St. Petersburg. Another source in the company assures that we are talking about 20 points of delivery in Russia.

What exactly was the cause of employee dissatisfaction? From July 1, the company introduced a new system of motivation and remuneration for managers of pick-up points (new KPIs). In it, the speed of processing the goods received at the pickup point was taken as the norm, that is, in fact, the work of warehouse managers.

The scheme of work of the point of issue is arranged as follows. Several times a day (usually 1-4 times) orders arrive at the pickup point. According to the new rules, an employee of the point is obliged to accept the goods within an hour, scan it and put it in storage cells. At the same time, he must issue goods to visitors, accept payment for them and make returns.

“The level of dissatisfaction is off the charts. It is physically impossible to perform the functions of a storekeeper, a cashier, and a seller at the same time. And we are not allowed to close the pickup point at the time of receiving the goods, ”complains one of the organizers of the petition. According to him, the main problem is that orders arrive at the pickup point unevenly: in one case, 10 articles may arrive at a time, in another - 3000 or even 5000, and all need to be dealt with in an hour (this time is allotted for acceptance).

The new rules turned into revisions. "Officially, the pickup point's working day is from 10 am to 9 pm, but in fact the employee works 15-16 hours every day, and they don't pay extra for this," says the pickup worker.

If the employee did not manage to meet the agreed hour, he will receive the so-called depreciation. The salary of the pickup workers, according to the organizers of the petition, consists of two parts: a small fixed salary (paid in two rounds) and the main one - bonuses based on the results of work.

According to the authors of the petition, managers of points with low traffic lost an average of 10,000 rubles in salary in August compared to June 2021, and managers of larger points lost about 40,000 rubles.

What Wildberries answered

A Wildberries spokesperson confirmed to Forbes that the company did introduce new KPIs this summer. But, according to him, the income of the pickup workers from the introduced measure not only did not decrease, but increased significantly - by 30% compared to last year. As a result, about 90% of employees received an increased bonus in August.

“Those who did not work very well - for them, and the premiums were lower, - a representative of the marketplace explained to Forbes. - But, since these are new KPIs, we, of course, met our colleagues halfway, and within the framework of the transition period, they were already paid an additional payment up to their average income. We meet with employees, explain new KPIs to them and how to earn even more. "

The drafters of the petition confirmed to Forbes that the Wildberries made an August supplement to disgruntled employees.

“We received the additional payment, so to speak, in an average way: 75% of the interviewed colleagues received additional payments, 25% were left with nothing to this day,” assure the employees of the pickup point who signed the petition. As for the pay system and its positive effect, 90% of managers are unhappy with it, they say.

In a story on the Moscow 24 channel, an employee of one of the pick-up points says that the new KPIs allowed her to receive accruals of more than 190,000 rubles.

“This is an unthinkable amount, managers have never had and never will have such salaries,” says one of Forbes' interlocutors, an employee of the Wildberries pickup point. “We would like to take part in the development of KPIs, but we are simply presented with a fact (the point about KPI, according to employees, is not spelled out in the employment contract, but it is meant by the“ bonus part of the salary ”, which is paid at the discretion of the employer. - Forbes) ... It is not clear why exactly such coefficients were displayed, because there was a paradoxical situation: the employees of those points that are the most popular and which have the largest number of orders received less than anyone else, ”says another employee of the pickup point.

For September, Wildberries must settle accounts with employees in October. “If we are not heard, up to 80% of the pickup points will go on strike, and about 8,000 people will not go to work,” the organizers of the petition promise.

"Brought to the handle"

Public conflicts and disputes between employees and employers are rare in Russia. “If people go out on strike, it means that they have really been brought to the edge,” says a lawyer in one of the recruiting services. According to him, people often give up and are forced to leave by agreement of the parties: "They do this just to forget the company, in extreme cases they write some more negative review."

“The main struggle now being waged by large marketplaces is the struggle for the client,” explains Yulia Galueva, Deputy General Director of the Amulex.ru law firm. - The loss of an employee is not as bad for them as the loss of customer loyalty. And a client who does not receive his order on time loses loyalty quickly and, as a rule, goes to a competitor. Large aggregators cannot allow this. That is why employees, in the event of concerted actions, manage to achieve the fulfillment of their requirements. "

A strike is rare, but officially registered employees have that right, says a recruiting lawyer. “The goal of any strike is to sit down at the negotiating table and find a compromise. Unfortunately, tough measures can be applied to the instigators later, they are not threatened with liability for the strike, but everyone understands that no employer would like to have conflicting and disloyal employees, ”continues the Forbes interlocutor. Wildberries introduced KPI for a reason - it means that there is a need for such a system, and if the marketplace will meet employees halfway, it will only temporarily, the lawyer predicts.

Couriers on the barricades

The growing business of marketplaces and delivery services requires more and more new employees. In St. Petersburg, in April 2019, a Yandex.Eda courier died of a heart attack; he worked for 10 hours without a break. The case had a public outcry. Service representatives then promised to strengthen control over the processing of couriers.

Now couriers can choose a convenient time and place for delivery: Yandex.Eda has scheduled slots or free slots when “orders can be fulfilled at least an hour a day,” a company representative told Forbes.

In the system itself, you cannot select a slot with a duration of more than 12 hours in a row, and on each slot the courier can take a break and rest. Making deliveries for many is part-time work in their free time from their main work or study, therefore, on average in Russia, couriers spend about four hours a day on service deliveries, a company representative assures.

Previously, for violation of service standards, the courier could be permanently denied access to orders, but now they are given a second chance. “Such cases are being investigated by a special group and an independent committee of volunteer couriers. In addition, decisions on restrictions will become more transparent and impartial - the couriers themselves will take part in the analysis of situations and make their own verdict, ”says a service representative. The pilot project was launched in St. Petersburg and the region.

In October 2019, employees of the Ozon delivery service in St. Petersburg went on strike due to dissatisfaction with their salaries. The strike participants were dissatisfied with the accrued wages and working conditions. According to them, in the summer of 2019, the company changed the software that calculates the remuneration due to the courier, and for three months it failed. Employees regularly received less than 5,000 to 15,000 rubles. Later, the management of Ozon recognized the couriers' demands as fair and paid off the debts. Now Ozon attracts individual entrepreneurs and self-employed as couriers.

In the summer of 2020, a strike at the Mail.ru Group building (the Internet holding owns the Delivery Club delivery service together with Sberbank), Delivery Club couriers gathered on Leningradsky Prospekt. Representatives of the latter assured that their salaries were delayed for two months. The Delivery Club management explained the problem with delays in payments by unfair actions of the outsourcing company Amaroli LLC, on whose accounts the already transferred 9 million rubles were hanging. According to an employee of the Delivey Club press service, now all service couriers are self-employed. “We do not influence their work schedule in any way, they are completely autonomous,” he said. The company does not disclose data on the number of couriers, their citizenship, conditions of work with counterparties.

Profitable self-employed

Large companies with multi-billion dollar turnover see the solution to the problem in moving away from hiring. The loyalty of marketplaces and delivery services to ordinary employees has changed after conflicts, according to recruitment experts. Employers have begun to develop less corporate culture and are not interested in long-term cooperation with such personnel.

“Large marketplaces and delivery services are, in fact, IT companies,” says Svetlana Salamova, head of the Migranto.ru portal. - Their HR-services are focused on the selection of highly qualified specialists - programmers, designers, testers, etc. And couriers or warehouse workers are line personnel with high turnover. Recruiting and servicing such workers is a complex routine. It is easier to outsource the “uninteresting” business process to specialized counterparties, to deal with self-employed or hired under a GPC agreement (civil contract - contract, provision of services, copyright agreement. - Forbes). "

“It’s not a matter of simplicity or complexity: registration of an employee under an employment contract is a certain set of social guarantees (paid sick leave, annual leave, the impossibility of dismissal in one day), for the company it is responsibility and additional costs. And the labor legislation does not particularly care about the rights of self-employed and employees under state holdings, therefore, such employees are profitable for companies, and in which case it is not difficult to dismiss them, ”notes Yulia Galueva.

The lawyer of the recruiting service also agrees with this statement: the main danger for employees registered under the GPC agreement is that the agreement can be terminated unilaterally at any time. Similar measures apply to the self-employed. At the same time, in case of any violations of the terms of the contract by the personnel (performer), the employer (that is, in fact, the customer of services - Forbes) can still collect penalties from the violators through the courts.

Business interest in cooperating with self-employed is also confirmed by the data of the research of the YouDo Business marketplace and the hh.ru online recruiting platform. 62% of business representatives named favorable conditions and low tax rate as the main advantages of working with self-employed. 59% of respondents noted the simple document flow and speed of processing, 45% - the optimization of financial and operational costs. A third of the companies surveyed are already cooperating with self-employed, and 43% are planning to start in the near future.
