Vladimir Verkhoshinsky went to work in Alfa Bank

The main managing director of the largest private bank will be deputy head of retail business of VTB Vladimir Verkhoshinsky. Experts predict the absorption of Alfa Bank by VTB.
Deputy head of retail business VTB Vladimir Verkhoshinsky moved to work in Alfa Bank, where he was offered to take the post of chief executive officer (CEO). Alexei Chukhlov, who now holds this post, will remain in the bank as the chief financial director. VTB will have to urgently seek a replacement for Mr. Verkhoshinsky, as his functions in the bank were not duplicated.

The fact that a member of the board of VTB Vladimir Verkhoshinsky moved to work in Alfa Bank for the post of chief managing director, on Tuesday, the press service of Alfa Bank. According to the interlocutor of Kommersant close to Alfa-Bank, the decision to appoint a new CEO was planned for a long time: up to now, Aleksey Chukhlov temporarily held the post of chief managing director and chief financial director in Alfa Bank. This situation developed after Alexey Marey left the post of CEO of Alfa-Bank for family reasons in November 2017. Mr. Chukhlov will remain in the bank as chief financial officer. And now Mr. Verkhoshinsky faces quite ambitious tasks: to double the bank's market share, and also to turn the bank into an "undisputed technological leader".

Vladimir Verkhoshinsky worked in VTB since 2009. In VTB, he oversaw digital business, customer service, retail, retail in the countries of presence. According to sources of Kommersant, who are familiar with the plans of the group, no one has duplicated Mr. Verkhoshinsky's functions, so there is no substitute for him yet.

VTB told "Kommersant" only that the name of the new deputy head of retail business VTB will be announced later. Vladimir Verkhoshinsky did not answer on his mobile phone.

According to Kommersant's information, Mr. Verkhoshinsky's proposal to become CEO in Alfa-Bank came some time ago. Alfa Bank historically divided the roles of CEO and pre-government: the first is responsible for the business, the second - mainly for the administrative part. Since November 1, 2017 after leaving the post of CEO of Alfa-Bank Alexei Marey, this post was taken by Alexei Chukhlov. According to Kommersant sources in Alfa Group, Mr. Chukhlov could theoretically assume the post of CEO of the bank on a permanent basis, but the last word was left to the shareholders, and they decided otherwise. Get comments from Alexei Chukhlov and representatives of the bank's shareholders on this issue failed.

The strategy of Alfa-Bank assumes a leading growth of the retail market due to card products and mortgages. From this point of view, to hire a man from retail, and from the second largest state bank, more than logical, says managing partner of the expert group Vets Ilya Zharskiy. Now, taking into account the growth of the state's share in the banking market, in fact, up to 70% of the competition will be between the largest retail players and state-owned banks, he added.

"At this position, Alfa-Bank's shareholders wanted to see first of all a person from business, and Vladimir Verkhoshinsky optimally meets these requests," says Artur Shamilov, head of the board of directors of TopContact. "He has a good school in the structures of VTB Group, the right experience gained in the Bank Moscow and after its accession ".