Urban Group died like a financial pyramid

The company raised money for two-thirds of the apartments under construction, and built only one-third. The financial hole for the completion of the planned housing is more than 70 billion rubles. The leadership of the Urban Group, led by Alexander Dolgin, actively withdrew money from the company.
As it became known to Kommersant, the completion of the collapsed Urban Group, considered one of the largest developers of housing in the suburbs, will require more than 70 billion rubles. Meanwhile, preliminary results of the company's audit showed that the developer sold almost two-thirds of the apartments, and built only a third of the planned. The company overstated the cost of construction, found the inspectors, this may indicate the withdrawal of funds.

Until the end of 2018 6 billion rubles will be allocated for the completion of residential facilities of the Urban Group, this amount will be allocated parately by the budgets of the Russian Federation and the Moscow region, a source in the federal government told Kommersant. But to complete all of the Urban Group's projects, about 70.9 billion rubles are needed, another source in Kommersant says in the federal government, who is familiar with the preliminary results of the company's audit.

The check was initiated by the authorities in May 2018, when it became obvious that the developer's business was waiting for the collapse. This was preceded by the refusal of Rosreestra to register the share participation agreements (DDU) in the projects of the Urban Group. A month later, in May, Sberbank withdrew accreditation for mortgage programs in the developer's projects. Last week, the arbitration court observed in five "daughters" of the Urban Group. The owner of the company Alexander Dolgin was ready to sell for 1 rub. company to any bank. But he stopped talking, says one of the officials. The businessman did not answer the calls to Kommersant.

Earlier, the authorities said that the audit will develop a "road map" for the completion of the Urban Group. Soon a meeting on this subject should be held with the participation of the head of the Ministry of Construction, Vladimir Yakushev, a source from Kommersant says. In the Ministry of Construction did not comment on the preliminary audit of the developer.

Also came in the Fund for the protection of the rights of citizens participating in shared construction, which will supervise the completion of housing in the complexes of the Urban Group.

According to three Kommersant sources familiar with the preliminary audit results of the Urban Group, 11.9 billion rubles can be raised to sell unsold housing, in which case the shortfall will amount to almost 59 billion rubles. This deficit is planned to be covered by the budget of the Russian Federation (about 15 billion rubles), the fund (1.4 billion rubles., For such amount insured DDU, concluded by the Urban Group) and the budget of the Moscow region (42.48 billion rubles.). The Russian authorities will send funds for the completion of housing, the budget of the region - for housing and infrastructure. According to some calculations, the region will need 28.4 billion rubles. on the social and engineering infrastructure of the Urban Group facilities. The same amount includes 3.4 billion rubles., Required for the completion of facilities and ruined SU-155, whose residential complexes (LCD) in the suburbs tried to complete the Urban Group.

The Urban Group has five complexes with a total area of ​​1.42 million square meters. m, the number of prisoners DDU exceeds 21 thousand, the interlocutors of "Kommersant" share. According to them, readiness for many LCD Urban Group is at a low level: for example, 67,5% of planned apartments were sold in Lesarevrezhniy, 4.3% were built, in Laikovo - 51.6% and 7.8% 98% and 34.3% respectively in Opalikha O3, 82.7% and 19.2% in Mitino O2, 93.4% in the Solar System-2 and 48.5% in the Solar System-2, in the "Prominent City" - 93.4% and 18.9%. The most money (12 billion rubles.) Is needed for "Laikovo"; 8.1 billion rubles for Mitino 02; 7.6 billion rubles - for the "Prominent City."

According to the audit, from 2011 to the first quarter of 2018, Urban Group made calculations for a total of almost 483 billion rubles, 23% of them (112 billion rubles), according to the auditors, can be attributed to payments to contractors with high risks. In addition, many contractors are affiliated with Urban Group. According to one of the interlocutors of Kommersant, the company often spent money inefficiently. Thus, according to the auditors, the Urban Group transferred in 2017 Alexander Dolgin 152 million rubles under the contract of suretyship, 39 million rubles. credited to the account of his wife Natalia Dolgina to develop the design of sales offices. According to another source of Kommersant, another claim is an inefficient layout, because of which the loss of space in Urban Group reached 30% (this is a common area). In a residential complex comfort-class unsaleable area, on average, 25-30 percent indicate that managing partner of "Metrium groups" Maria Litinetskaya and the Director for development GK "Grenelle" Andrew Color. According to the interlocutors of Kommersant, one of the important claims is the inflated cost of construction. This is a traditional scheme of withdrawal, says the lawyer of BMS Law Firm Vladimir Shalaev. According to the General Director of the Rating Agency of the construction complex Nikolay Alekseenko, overestimation of the estimate can be up to 10% — "this is a matter of good faith management and the presence of a control system."