Alexey and Dmitry Ananyev divided assets in a brotherly way

Alexey Ananiev left himself a "Technoserv", Dmitry Ananyev - financial and development business.
"After the Central Bank introduced the provisional administration to Promsvyazbank, I considered that it would be correct if each of us becomes engaged in its assets - those that historically managed," Alexei Ananiev told Vedomosti. The deal, he said, was cash-strapped: he withdrew from the shareholders of Promsvyaz Capital B. V. (she owns controlling stakes in Promsvyazbank and Bank Vozrozhdenie), transferring a share to his brother Dmitri, and the latter from Technoserv. "Now I have 100% in Technoserv, and my brother - 100% in Promsvyaz Capital", he sums up. Before that, all businesses owned the brothers equally.

Dmitry Ananyev now completely belongs to the banking business, the development group of the PSN and media assets. Alexey - "Technoserv" and IT-business.

Human relations with his brother persist, says Alexei Ananiev, but "not participation in business, not control."

A representative of Promsvyaz Capital promised to pass on the questions of Vedomosti to Dmitry Ananyev, but he did not return the answers. The representative of the Central Bank, who took Promsvyazbank to its Fund for the consolidation of the banking sector and demanded that Ananyev urgently reduce the share in the "Renaissance", declined to comment.

Sanitation and section

The reason for the division of Ananyev's business was the renovation of Promsvyazbank, former first deputy chairman of the Central Bank and chairman of the board of directors of Safmar Financial Investments Oleg Vyugin is sure. The main assets of Promsvyaz Capital - Promsvyazbank and Vozrozhdenie, investments in Promsvyazbank are virtually zero, as its authorized capital was written off before the ruble, and Vozrozhdenie should be sold, says Moody's analyst Lev Dorf. It is planned that the transaction will be cash-strapped, told the "Vedomosti" two people close to the "Renaissance". "In fact, the company [Promsvyaz Capital] becomes empty - without assets, but with debts," Dorf says.

Perhaps the section is related to the fact that Promsvyazbank can begin the process of recovering assets from former owners and thus the brothers are trying to protect part of the business, he does not exclude. "Perhaps they do not want to put other assets at risk," Tertychny Agabalyan partner Ivan Tertychnyi agrees, "but it all depends on whether Alexei Ananyev made decisions [about the bank's transactions]." If he was simply the chairman of the board of directors and not engaged in operational management, there can hardly be any claims. Ananiev said that the bank never managed and the interim administration did not talk to him about the recovery of assets.

The section looks logical, says Vyugin: "Between the banking and IT business, synergy could still be, now the banking business is, in fact, lost, and there is no synergy between the development and IT," he believes.

IT-business itself is self-sufficient, it is one way or another growing sector, development in this sense is a heavier business, notes Vyugin.

Brother for brother is not responsible

Business "Technoserva" is really connected with Promsvyazbank - the company has a "serious loan" in the bank, admitted Alexei Ananiev, but there is no critical dependence. The size of the debt, he does not disclose, but says that the company pays debts and no restructuring (the bank does not comment on it).

The PSN group was also credited to Promsvyazbank. In late January, the bank appealed to the Moscow Arbitration Court with a lawsuit against the firm "Berezhkovskiy Complex" on recovery of 6.27 billion rubles. (information on the complex "On Berezhkovskaya" is also on the site of the PSN group). "PSN Property Management" (PSN PM) reported last week that it intends to restructure the issue of bonds for 10 billion rubles. "For a long time the bank was the core of our assets, and all the activities of various businesses were connected with the bank in one way or another. Directly and indirectly, "Alexei Ananyev told Vedomosti.

"It seems to me that this is a story about the fact that a brother is not responsible for a brother. The biggest common business is Promsvyazbank, it is no longer there. And the rest, the smaller, you can try to sell and share, "- believes a major investment bank employee.

Last September, the Central Bank took Binbank for refurbishment, and although its owners Mikail Shishkhanov and his uncle Mikhail Gutseriev did not divide the assets, by the time the bank came to the bank of the regulator Shishkhanov had only a bank, he sold shares in other businesses of the family - money was needed for replenishment of Binbank's capital. In an interview with Vedomosti last September, Shishkhanov said he was worried that the sanation of Binbank was connected with the name of Gutseriev - the responsibility for the need for financial recovery of the bank Shishkhanov took over. "I'm very confused when they talk about family. We support each other, but everyone has their own pocket and their own business. Family - this does not mean that money is common. This is not a mafia clan in which all the money is on the same table and divide them as we want. I am an independent entrepreneur, we are coordinated not to compete: they did not deal with the bank, I did not deal with oil. Gutseriev tried to help me with all his strength - I am very grateful to him for this, "he said.