The money of Russian oligarchs lies in the British offshore

The Times disclosed the amount of funds Russians in the British offshore in the Cayman Islands and the Virgin Islands.
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On offshore accounts in the British overseas territories, Russians keep £ 34 billion, reports the Sunday Times, citing data from the organization Global Witness. Earlier in London, they threatened to disclose the names of all these businessmen from Russia.

The total amount of funds that Russians keep in the British offshore - the Virgin Islands and the Cayman Islands - is £ 34 billion ($ 47 billion), the Sunday Times reported citing materials of British non-governmental organization Global Witness, which fights against human rights violations and the policies of countries, exporting natural resources.

This sum, as the publication emphasizes, is five times larger than the amount that Russian citizens have placed in the UK itself. At the same time, £ 30 billion of them, as the newspaper notes, falls only on the British Virgin Islands.

In general, over the past decade, Global Witness experts have found that £ 110 billion passed through British territories across Russia. As noted by analysts, Britain became the second most popular destination for Russian offshore investments, more than in Cyprus alone, the Sunday said. Times.

Earlier, British Prime Minister Teresa May, as the publication recalls, promised to freeze all Russian assets and assets in the country in response to the poisoning on March 4 in Salisbury of the former GRU colonel Sergei Skripal, who was convicted in Russia for espionage in favor of London, and his daughter Julia. In connection with this incident, London then accused the Russian authorities, but Moscow repeatedly rejected these data. Despite this, in May, as the newspaper notes, she said: "In our country there is no place for these people [Russian businessmen] or their money."

After that, on April 26, a group of deputies in the British parliament, consisting of conservatives, Laborites and representatives of the Scottish National Party, announced its intention to require the British authorities to pass a bill according to which the overseas territories will have to disclose the identity of businessmen who keep assets in their jurisdiction. Currently, the Virgin Islands and the Cayman Islands under the law from this requirement, acting throughout Britain, have been released. Such a measure, as one of the authors of the initiative pointed out, was aimed at revealing the names of Russian entrepreneurs who keep money in British off-shores.

"Ms. Mei has so far called on the world to respond to the violation of international norms by Russia. But if she is going to fulfill her promises, she must confirm that dirty money, going for worse ends, does not hide under the British flag anywhere in the world, "explained conservative Andrew Mitchell.