The Kremlin explained contradictory information about the parents of Vladimir Putin

The dispute arose around the question, where were the baptized father Vladimir Putin - in Tver or Leningrad?
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Putin met Christmas at a church in St. Petersburg. There, according to the documents, his father was baptized. However, earlier the channel "Russia" claimed that this rite of the politician's parents took place in the church near Tver. The Kremlin felt that there was "no contradiction."

In the church of saints and righteous Simeon Bogomiteltsa and Anna Prophetchitsa in St. Petersburg, where Russian President Vladimir Putin met Christmas the day before, baptized the father of the politician Vladimir Spiridonovich, and in the church in the village of Turginovo, Tver region, where the Russian leader took part in Christmas services in 2016 and 2011, baptized mother of Putin, Maria Ivanovna. The press secretary of the Russian president Dmitry Peskov told TASS about this.

Earlier, the TV channel "Russia 24" claimed that both parents of Putin passed this ceremony in the church of the Intercession of the Virgin in Turginovo, where the ancestors of the politician lived and where his grandmother Elizaveta Alekseyevna Shelomova is buried.

"There is no contradiction here," Peskov said, commenting on this. "In the Tver region baptized mother of Putin, Maria Ivanovna, and in the Simeonovskaya church on Mokhovaya Street in Petersburg - his father Vladimir Spiridonovich," he explained.

This, according to TASS, is also evidenced by extracts from the church documents of the Simeon church, dated 1911. In them, in particular, it is pointed out that the baptism of the father of the head of state in the church in St. Petersburg was attended by the "Tver region and the county of Turginovskoy volost, Pominovo village, the peasant Spiridon Ivanov Putin and his legal wife Olga Ivanova."

Also in the archival document the godfathers of the president are indicated. The "sacrament of baptism", according to them, "was performed by Archpriest Vasily Speransky with the psalm-reader Vladimir Vladimirov," it says in the extract. The newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda published a photo of this document earlier without providing sources of information on its website.

Putin himself was baptized in the Transfiguration Cathedral of St. Petersburg. At the Christmas service in this temple, the politician was present in 2012. "For me this is a special cathedral, I was baptized here a month and a half after birth," he told then, noting from the mother's words that "to baptize him was brought in secret from his father", because at that time he was "a member of the CPSU."