The investigation threw international networks at Yuri Khokhlov

The defense of the ex-adviser to the head of the Federal Agency for Fishery claims that he went abroad not from the investigation, but to work.
As it became known to Kommersant, the Moscow City Court upheld the correspondence arrest of Yury Khokhlov, who is on the international wanted list of a former adviser to the head of the Federal Agency for Fishery. He is in absentia accused of attempting to commit a particularly large-scale fraud related to an attempt to sell for $ 7 million his appointment as the head of the auction house of fisheries. On the basis of a court decision, the Prosecutor General’s Office will try to obtain the extradition of the accused from Lithuania.

The Moscow State Court of Appeal reviewed the complaint of the defense of the former adviser to the head of the Federal Agency for Fishery, Yury Khokhlov, against the decision of the Presnensky court about his absentee arrest for two months from the moment of detention or extradition to Russia. According to the lawyers, Yuri Khokhlov went abroad legally, as he received a job offer. Prior to departure, no claims from law enforcement agencies were filed to him - in a criminal case, he was only a witness.

According to the lawyers, neither the investigation nor the court informed Mr Khokhlov or his defenders about the date, place and time of filing charges for attempted fraud (Article 30 and Article 159 of the Criminal Code) and electing a preventive measure. The ex-official became aware of this only at the end of December 2018, while the arrest decision of the Presnensky District Court of August 24, 2017, the defense claims, received only the prosecutor, the appointed lawyer and the investigator.

According to the latter, Mr. Khokhlov was part of a group of reshalschiki who, for a fee, were trying to sell the seats of the head of the auction house to realize fishing quotas in the Far East and the position of rector of the Kamchatka State Technical University, which is structurally part of the Federal Agency for Fishery. The lawyer by training, former deputy head of Tuymazinsky district of Bashkiria for industry, transport and communications, Fanil Sabiryanov, advisor and consultant on crisis management Yevgeny Degtyarenko, former chief engineer of the Grozny construction and installation department Minkayil Umayev, and a Belarusian citizen, a citizen, are citizens and associates. . According to the investigation, they did not have the opportunity to appoint someone, intending to “throw” the applicant in advance.

The last, however, was only policeman Alexei Burtsev, posing as an entrepreneur as part of an operational experiment. At the talks, which were recorded by the operatives, he agreed to head the auction house, paying $ 7 million to the solvers in parts. In 2016, all members of the group, with the exception of Mr. Khokhlov, were detained. When the paper “doll” imitating $ 3 million was brought to the latter, Mr. Khokhlov refused the money, saying that a provocation “with the participation of actors” was undertaken against him.

In April 2018, the Presnensky District Court of Moscow, having recognized George Hager, Minkail Umayev, Fanil Sabiryanov and Yevgeny Degtyarenko guilty of attempted large-scale fraud, appointed them from three to four years in prison. Mr Khokhlov himself hooted to Lithuania. After the arrest decision has entered into force, a request for his extradition will be sent there.