The FBI picked up the uranium trail

The head of the subsidiary company of TENEX was detained in the US on charges of kickbacks.
Federal prosecutors filed charges against Maryland in a conspiracy to commit extortion and accepting bribes President TENAM USA Vadim Menkaure. According to investigators, the head of a subsidiary of the Russian company "TENEX" in exchange for the award of contracts for the transportation of enriched uranium obtained from American contractors at least $ 1.69 million. In the aggregate charges he faces up to 20 years in prison.

About the arrest of Vadim Menkaure US authorities reported only at the end of last week, though, as the "Y", in the case of accusatory materials were formalized in July. According to investigators, 55-year-old Russian has extorted bribes in exchange for contracts for the transportation of enriched uranium from Russia to the United States. A large part of radioactive material shipped in the framework of the signed in 1993 an intergovernmental HEU-LEU Agreement, also known as the "Megatons to Megawatts").

JSC "TENEX" (TENEX) - the company "Rosatom", dedicated to the export of nuclear material, including highly enriched uranium for nuclear power, and enrichment services.At the state corporation as a whole share accounts for 40% of this market, and US energy companies are key counterparties TENEX (the end of 2013 accounted for $ 5.8 billion from $ 25 billion in the US in the long-term order book of the company). In addition, it is "TENEX" until 2013 was the operator of uranium into the US HEU (processing of weapons-grade enriched uranium suitable for nuclear energy), occupies about half of the US market. After the end of the share of the contract "Rosatom" in the US is limited to 20% of the market.

TENAM, headed by Vadim Mycerinus, - a subsidiary of TENEX in the United States, established only in 2010. But the main supply of enriched uranium to the US market continues to go directly through the "TENEX" (16 contracts), TENAM itself at the end of last year had only three contractsin the United States. In the nuclear industry is the market for uranium enrichment services traditionally the most closed: the parameters of its long-term contracts, market participants do not reveal.

Vadim Mycerinus is the son of one of the founders of the Soviet nuclear industry - Eugene Menkaure - and held dollars in their timezhnosti deputy director of another subsidiary of the company "TENEX" - Uranservis, engaged with the production of uranium foreign trade operations. In 1993, he became one of the suspects in the case of theft of radioactive materials at the plant "Elektrokhimpribor" (Sverdlovsk-45). Later, however, the criminal case against Vadim Menkaure was discontinued.

At the first hearing in the court of the prosecutor's office of Maryland said the Russian representative extorted from the owners of transport companies kickbacks for granting them contracts for uranium transport to non-competitive basis. The prosecution also said that had access to e-mails Vadim Menkaure. Evidence against him and gave an unnamed informant, referred to in court papers as the CS-1 (confidential source). According to the testimony of this witness, the Russians helped him get a contract to "provide lobbying and advisory services" company "TENEX" and demanded in return for a percentage of the transaction. Angered business partner complained to the FBI.

The indictment states that nrvy contract worth $ 150 thousand. Vadim Mycerinus signed with the future of the informant secret service in 2009 and demanded to transfer 30% to the account of Wiser Trading Limited, registered in the Seychelles. He was later signed another contract -. For a period of 11 months at $ 550 thousand in this case, the Russians allegedly demanded that every second month on his account in Cyprus translated by $ 50 thousand All translations, according to the American side, were carried out through a Cyprus registered company. Leila Global Limited, which is controlled by citizens of Latvia.

Part of the money a secret informant, according to him, allegedly handed Vadim Menkaure in cash in his office in Besesde, Maryland. All negotiations between business partners were recorded and will be presented in court.

As part of the investigation of another criminal case was opened. Allegations of bribery brought against the couple Darren and Carol Condrey from Maryland, 63-year-old Boris Rubizhevskomu of the State of New Jersey and another suspect, whose name has not been disclosed. According to the investigation, the company owned by the spouses Condrey Transport Logistics International (TLI) works with "TENEX" since 1996 and during that time has performed contracts for the transport of uranium in the amount of $ 33 million. In exchange for TLI owners contracts allegedly transferred to the accounts of Vadim Menkaure at least $ 1.69 million.

In 2011, according to the prosecution, the Russians decided to get kickbacks necessary intermediary and chose for this role, the company Boris Rubizhevskogo NEXGEN Security.

In "Rosatom" detention Vadim Menkaure already called "politically motivated", suggesting that "the American side tried to persuade Menkaure against Russia to cooperate in exchange for freedom."

In the aggregate charges against all detained could face up to 20 years in prison.

The known Vadim Mycerinus

Private bussiness

Mycerinus Vadim was born May 11, 1959 in Chelyabinsk-40 (now Ozersk). The son of the famous Soviet nuclear industry worker Eugene Menkaure, who led a number of large companies and held senior positions in Minsredmash and Minatom. He graduated from the Aerospace Faculty of Moscow Aviation Institute (1982), Bachelor Academy of Foreign TradeIs.

He worked on the export of isotope products in the "TENEX" since 1990. In 1995 he was appointed deputy director of the company "; Uranservis ", was responsible for the performance of the US-Russian HEU-LEU Agreement (processing of Russian weapons-grade highly enriched uranium for delivery at US nuclear power plants) In the same year, he was mentioned in the media as a. person involved in the case on the theft and sale abroad of isotopes from the factory "Elektrokhimpribor" (Sverdlovsk-45). It was reported that Mr. Mycerinus was arrested, but then stopped the investigation for lack of evidence.

Since 2002 - Deputy Head of the Directorate for Sales of uranium ore, the director for the Americas Department and the intergovernmental program "TENEX". In May 2010, headed by the American "daughter" "TENEX" TENAM Corp. Together with his family resided in the town of Chevy Chase (Maryland, USA).