The brothers' gang: criminal succession

In October, the Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine named the hirer of the murder of former State Duma deputy Denis Voronenkov. According to the investigation, he was a Russian mafia boss, Vladimir Tyurin. In the 1990s, he headed the Bratsk (Brothers') criminal group. The kingpin’s son could also be implicated in the murder of Voronenkov. Sofia Savina found out how the head of the organized crime group passed his business to his descendants.
Origin source

The Bratsk criminal group got its name after the Siberian city of Bratsk in the Irkutsk Region. In the early days of its existence, the gang patronized drug trade, as well as was executing orders on killings of competitors in business. In 1991, the leader of the gang, Alexander Moiseyev, nicknamed Masya, died. His successor was Vladimir Tyurin, also known by the nicknames Tyurik, Batya and Kinomekhanik.

Two years later, he was “crowned”, i.e. consecrated a thief. The ceremony was carried out by thief in law Yaponchik (Vyacheslav Ivankov). Among other influential friends of Tyurin in the criminal world, there are Shakro Molodoy (Zakhary Kalashov) and Ded Hasan (Aslan Usoyan).

Gradually, the gang managed to capture all the major enterprises of the oil and forestry industry of the Irkutsk Region. The leader of the group, Vladimir Tyurin, controlled the Bratsk Aluminum Plant, a city casino and metal export channels and forests from Siberia to St. Petersburg and Western Europe.

One of the most notorious murders committed by the gang was the elimination of Roman Tsepov, nicknamed “security cardinal”. He guarded ex-mayor of St. Petersburg Anatoly Sobchak, as well as Vladimir Putin, the then vice mayor of the city.

Tyurik’s influence is still fresh in people’s memory. This year, journalists’ sources in law enforcement agencies called him a candidate for the role of head of the Russian criminal world. The place was vacant after the arrest of the “thief in law No. 1” – Shakro Molodoy.

As any other thief in the law, Vladimir Tyurin has his “own” people among the large businessmen and officials. It was said that his friends are billionaire Oleg Deripaska and ex-State Duma deputy Nikolay Kuryanovich. Tyurin’s former civil partner Maria Maksakova was also a State Duma deputy.

Now, two common children is the only thing that associates Maksakova with Tyurin. She is known as an opera singer, soloist of the Mariinsky Theater. In 2011, she was elected to the State Duma from the party United Russia and joined the Committee on Culture. A year earlier, Maksakova mentioned Tyurin in an interview as her husband. She married the murdered Denis Voronenkov only in 2015.


It is believed that Tyurin’s “areas of influence” include not only the Irkutsk Region, but also the criminal world of Moscow, St. Petersburg and Spain. He moved to the Spanish city of Orihuela in 1998. There, in partnership with other kingpins, he created a network of “laundries” – fly-by-night firms for laundering their criminal proceeds.

In 2005, local police conducted the operation “Osa”, during which more than 200 members of the Russian mafia were arrested. Tyurin escaped arrest: at that moment, he was in Russia. The authorities of Spain placed Tyurik on the international wanted list and, in 2010, they sent a request to Russia for extradition of the criminal. He was accused of creating a criminal community and money laundering, which later was invested in seaside resorts.

Russian authorities arrested Tyurin in 2010. During the detention, it turned out that he received Russian citizenship illegally, and in fact was registered in Kazakhstan. There he moved in 1991 to his civil wife and got the local citizenship. The trial lasted until 2012. As a result, the Russian Prosecutor General's Office refused to extradite Tyurin to Spain.

According to some reports, now, Vladimir Tyurin left the criminal world and started a legal business. In the Russian Unified Register of Legal Entities only two individual entrepreneurs with the same name Tyurin are registered: one in Moscow, the other in Yekaterinburg. There is also a company selling machine tools Snabprofit from Kaluga, which was established by a person with the same name. At the same time, more than a dozen companies stand in the name the kingpin’s son, Dmitry Tyurin.


According to the Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine, the son of Vladimir Tyurin, 32-year-old Dmitry, is involved in the murder of Voronenkov. According to the investigation, he got the role of an intermediary: on March 20, he took the Rome-Kiev flight and brought some money for the perpetrators of the murder.

Maria Maksakova also commented on the suspicion of Dmitry Tyurin’s involvement: “It is likely that Tyurin’s son is also involved in this. They are all henchmen of an lawless gang.”

Tyruin’s sphere of business included enterprises of the mining, forestry and oil industries. The son of Vladimir Tyurin is interested in exactly the same. Now, Dmitry Tyurin has under his control several companies in Bratsk, his father's and the OCG’s native city.

Dmitriy owns 50% shares in local companies: Bratsk Investment Complex LLC, Promis LLC, OGR LLC, Baikal Trade Center LLC, Region East Siberia - Product Trade LLC, Hermes Management Company LLC, BratskSibResurs LLC and a 32% stake in SILA SIBIRI LLC.

The “Bratsk partners” of Dmitry Tyurin, Mikhail Shchetkin and Sergey Silko, are listed as managers of the same companies as Tyurin himself. Sergey Silko is a businessman from Bratsk, he calls himself a “patron of arts” and invests money in a martial arts sports club. In one of the interviews, he says that he owns hunting grounds, where sable is bred. He owns companies for hunting for wild animals: Angarsk Sable LLC, Sobol LLC, Ostrov LLC, Sporting Hunting Club LLC.

The second partner, Mikhail Shtetkin, heads the United Development Group, which owns the markets and shopping complexes in Bratsk. Previously, these companies belonged to other owners. They were headed by local businessman Alexander Demidov.

He was called the confidant of prominent local businessman Artsruni Khachatryan, a deputy of the Bratsk City Duma and the right-hand man of the mayor. It was he who was the director of the municipal enterprise Association of City Markets, which controlled all the trade areas of the city.

According to local media reports, Khachatryan was friends with Vladimir Tyurin and also was associated with the Bratsk OCG. After his death in 2006 (according to one version, it was a murder), the markets were managed by Alexander Demidov, and then by Dmitry Tyurin.


Dmitry Tyurin fully owns two Moscow companies for the extraction of precious metals and gold trade: Salco Life Group LLC and Robur LLC.

Another one of his Moscow-based company, Kazakhoil Moscow LLC, specializes in the production of petroleum products and fuel trade. The share of 50% of the company belongs to Dmitry Tyurin, the rest to the Kazakh company Kazakhoil Trans World Group. The partnership is managed by Dauren Kogabaevich Sarsekeyev.

This is the young son of a Kazakh writer and journalist Kogabai Sarsekeyev, who has made a career in the oil and gas business. According to the Panama Archives, an offshore company in the British Virgin Islands called First Line Intervest Ltd with its registered address in Moscow stands in his name.

Six months ago, Dmitry Tyurin owned a stake in a commercial bank – 9.7% stake in Ritz-Bank in Petrozavodsk, Karelia. The bank was implicated in a criminal case, and, in May 2017, its license was revoked. The order of the Bank of Russia indicates that the management and owners of the Ritz Bank “withdrew their assets”, as a result of which the bank completely lost its capital.

The partners of Dmitry Tyurin, who owned shares in the Ritz Bank, Dmitry Khasanov and Elmira Miloserdova, were arrested in October 2016 within the embezzlement case at Development Corporation JSC. Its former CEO Sergey Maslov is suspected of stealing 1 billion of the corporation's funds. According to the investigation, Khasanov and Miloserdova provided financial and legal services to the management of the Development Corporation. The rest of the bank's shareholders, like Dmitry Tyurin himself avoided the arrests.


The name of Dmitry Tyurin also transpires in the Panama Archive, ​​a leak of documents from Mossack Fonseca, which helps to register offshore companies. According to the archive, Dmitry Tyurin is a shareholder of Boster Resources Ltd with the Swiss address and jurisdiction of the British Virgin Islands. The company was registered in February 2013 and was active until October 2014. Another owner of the company is a man named Yuri Alekseev with a registration address in Moscow.

The registration address of Dmitry Tyurin in the Panama Archives coincides with the address his father, Vladimir Tyurin, calls in the video of his detention:

– Where are you registered?

– Moscow, Bolshaya Polyanka, 4-39.

The Tyurins’ apartment is located in the very center of the capital: the Moscow River, the Tretyakov Gallery, view of the Kremlin, the neighboring house is the Italian Consulate. According to TsIAN a four-room apartment occupying the same area was sold in this house for 39 million rubles. Who owns the apartment of 100 sq. m. – the son or the father – even Rosreestr does not say: in it, “the requested information is missing”.

Dmitry Tyurin has other property near Moscow. In its report, Novaya Gazeta wrote about the mansions of Tyurin’s sons in the village of Palitsy in the Moscow Region. There really is a plot of land with a house owned by, according to Rosreestr, a certain Lyudmila Vasilyevna Tyurina. An elite cottage with a fireplace, gym, dressing rooms, a sauna and a swimming pool in Palitsy on Rublevka can be purchased for 45 million rubles.

In total, the leader of the Bratsk OCG, Vladimir Tyurin, has four children: two sons from his first marriage (one of them is Dmitry) and also children from Maria Maksakova, a minor son Ilya and daughter Lyudmila. Vladimir Tyurin is engaged in education of the younger children. In July 2017, they celebrated Ilya’s birthday on a yacht in the Crimea.