The Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation has questions for Alexander Braverman

As it became known to RBC Daily, out of 333 auctions on sale of land for residential development conducted by the Federal Fund for Housing Development, 206 were declared invalid.
Origin source
The main reason is the lack of infrastructure on land parcels. If the developers build it up on their own, the final cost of the low-end residential property will grow by 20%. The fund is seemigly not in a hurry to spend money on utilities connection, but one-third of its income is spent on personnel costs.

Implementation of parts of the auctions for the years 2009-2012 brought the fund 12.9 billion rubles. Of these, only 2.3 billion is aimed at the development of infrastructure sites, but staff costs amounted to 3.5 billion rubles., Told RBC daily source in law enforcement bodies and the Accounting Chamber.

"The estimated cost of land in the fund Alexander Braverman -. More than 43 billion rubles, but the real is much higher. As an appraiser fund attracts the company he chooses, "- says RBC daily official of the Chamber of Accounts. Therefore, income almost 13 billion rubles. less than four years looks modest.

Do not stint on vacation

The fact that Mr. Braverman does not skimp on the salaries of its employees and the rest, they say, and the results of previous audits of the Accounting Chamber (the relevant documents are in disposingenii RBC daily). The crisis in 2008 the average salary of employees of the Fund amounted to 122.3 thousand rubles, and for the first nine months of 2010 -.. Already 187.7 thousand (comparable with the average salary of the Deputy Minister).. Even simple drivers in the fund received in 2010, 71 thousand. Rub. per month.

Travel expenses for the period 2008-2010 exceeded 26 million rubles. Flying business class could afford not only himself, Mr. Braverman, and seven of his deputies, and even ordinary heads of departments (not counting the directorates and departments, their 14). According to the materials of the Accounting Chamber, "were not used" four members of the car fund worth over 2.7 million rubles., While their maintenance costs amounted to almost 680 thousand. Rub.

"Under the current inspection fund, which will be completed within a month, staff costs rose even several times," - said an official of the Accounting Chamber.

Have gosauditorov and issues orders to available funds. Although the Fund's revenues from the sale of plots for 2008-2009, exceeded 3.4 billion rubles., More than 2.2 billion of them just lay in the bank, as a result in the form of interest fund received about 20.5 mln.

Why expensive square meter

Of the 333 auctions held by the fund, 206 declared invalid, the actual housing construction carried out only in ten of the 83 subjects, and the work of the two branches of the fund does not bring results. By the end of 2012, housing construction was not in any of the ten subjects of the North-West Federal District and only two of the six subjects of the Urals, says the auditor of the Accounting Chamber.

Over the past three years, the volume of housing fund projected to be around 15.6 million square meters. m, however, amounted to only 1.05 million square meters by the end of 2012. m (according to the latest data of the fund, 1.79 million sq. m), ie less than 1% of the administered during this time of housing in the country, said a law enforcement source.

Sales are recognized invalid if less than the two companies participated in the auction, if not received a single application, or if the winner of the auction declined to sign the protocol or to enter into a lease agreement, explained the representative of the Fund.

The reason for "no-show" of developers partly lies in the insecurity of land and infrastructure in thanSRI Fund to conduct further work with the winners of the auction, said an employee of a major real estate development company. Now the Foundation decided to provide engineering infrastructure worth over 4.4 billion rubles. (For 70 portions), are justified in RHD.

Initially it was assumed that the Fund fully takes care of all issues related to the site maintenance utilities. The Fund is not required to do so at their own expense, but the winner of the auction must ensure that the cost and terms of the provision set forth in the tender documentation, in the course of development of the site will not change, explains the source of RBC daily. "In practice, the interaction between the auction winner with network organizations takes place without the participation of the fund, and often not at all, with the result that was declared in the time of the auction. This is reflected in the interest of developers to the new auctions, "- he adds.

On average infrastructure costs constitute 15-30% of the cost of housing, said the deputy director of strategic consulting at Jones Lang LaSalle, Mikhail Yakubov. For example, the cost of buildingelstva housing in the Moscow region, excluding communications is about 25 thousand. rub. for 1 sq. m, taking into account the lining of internal engineering networks -.. 30 thousand rubles, and in view of external communications - is 40-45 thousand In this market value of economy-class housing in the capital -. about 130 thousand rubles.. for 1 sq. m, in the Moscow suburbs -. 70 thousand, resulting Statistics CEO "Metrium Group" Maria Litinetskaya.

Maritimes cooperatives

An example of a more expensive real estate because of the insecurity sites infrastructure can serve Primor. It was originally planned that the 1st quarter. meters of housing there will cost 45-50 thousand. rub., but now its price reaches up to 120 thousand. rubles., says a representative of the Chamber of Accounts.

Problems connecting to utilities does not deny the governor of Primorye Territory Vladimir Miklushevsky. "I'm at the meeting with Vladimir Putin proposed fund, to participate in the housing-related infrastructure development, - he said RBC daily. - We are now going to develop several models of them. The Fund invests primarily in the engineering infrastructure, and then nreceives them back, due to the fact that the residents are connected. "

Prerequisites for the use of corruption schemes lands can create and work with housing co-operative (HBC, the Fund may freely transfer their plots), fear law enforcement sources. Firstly, HBC activities in housing system during the last years is ineffective (see. Table). Second, workers cooperatives (the staff of schools, kindergartens, hospitals, etc.), As a rule, delinquencies for real estate category of citizens, therefore the probability of the transfer of such parts of the usual business developers. According to RHD, now in various stages of readiness is 63 projects the creation of cooperatives in 38 regions, but only in such cooperatives have entered more than 1.3 thousand. People. However, of the seven HCC in the same Primorsky Krai none to work and has not proceeded - "no project documentation, nor the general concept of development they have," emphasizes officer of the Accounting Chamber.