Smolny and Prigozhin will fight for Eliseevsky

Kremlin restaurateur Yevgeny Prigozhin demands to sell the Eliseevsky store store for 530 million rubles, 300 million less than the state price. Governor Poltavchenko ordered to fight to the end.
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The Arbitration Court of St. Petersburg and Leningrad region considered the July 4th suit LLC "Shop merchants Eliseev," which belongs to the wife of Eugene Prigogine, the committee of property relations. The current tenant is required to force him to sell the Smolny Yeliseyev Grocery Store - and at a price that the Company believes the fair itself.

Ltd. "The store Eliseev merchants' rents a famous shopping mall in 2010, it received the right to bid Kuga. In accordance with the contract, per month for the use of 1 thousand sq.m. historic squares Eugene Prigogine structure pays about 2 million rubles. In the spring of 2016 representatives of the businessman filed a request to store Smolny privatization, using the appropriate standard of federal law: according to it, become the owner of the state property may be the case if the rental period exceeds two years.

Refuse committee of property relations can not. Although Smolny repeatedly asked the federal center to register an exception under which the state has the right to leave the premises in the property. However, bureaucraticeskaya machine still spinning slowly, you first need to assess the value of the object, and then - to prepare a decree on privatization, then - send to the applicant a draft contract. "Shop merchants Eliseev" did not want to wait: in the middle of April, the company sent to the Arbitration Court lawsuit, which demanded that the city sell the shopping mall. The statement also contains the redemption price: according to sources "Fontanka" in Smolny, it is 530 million rubles.

By the time of the first meeting of the first part of the claim is outdated: June 17, Deputy Property Relations Committee Chairman Marina Yankina signed a decree on privatization Eliseevsky store. However, the second part was current: GUION that under the committee, estimated the cost of the store Eliseev 810 million rubles. The intrigue before the court hearing was simple: if the tenant will argue with Smolny or waving hand, agreed with the proposal of the redemption price.

At the forefront of the struggle for Eliseevskiy Law Office proved "Kachkin and partners," which often is the business-ininterests of Eugene Prigogine. Office Partner, Head Dmitry Nekrestyanov estate practice immediately told the court that the "Shop merchants Eliseev" still considers privatization conditions proposed by Smolny. Judge Elena Gerasimova due piles Affairs asked the lawyer to clarify whether the tenant agrees with the redemption price of the state or not.

"If you look at the case file and will see a market report submitted by the applicant (ie by the store -.. Comment" Fontanka "), you will see that the difference is significant enough - almost 300 million rubles. Management will decide whether they will challenge the amount or not, "- said Dmitry Nekrestyanov evasively and asked the court to request the GUION detailed evaluation report. "Now we have our evaluation report, based on the analog objects, and have some kind of an abstract figure from GUION. The only thing we know about it - is the number of the report ", - said the representative of" Shop merchants Eliseev. "

As a result, the judge Elena Gerasimova decided to involve in the process GUION, claimed he had all the documentation on the assessment to predstaviteli Eugene Prigogine could see where there was a figure of 810 million rubles. According to "Fontanka", for "Store Eliseevs" cost of the shopping complex are considered known agency Colliers International. But at Smolny also thoroughly prepared for battle: GUION, in addition to its own calculations, also conducted a survey among market experts. Management sometimes resorts to this practice when it comes to iconic sites.

"Governor Georgy Poltavchenko personally instructed not to sell Eliseevskiy" on the cheap ", since we can not refuse", - he explained the reason for such a high-ranking source in the preparation committee of property relations. Especially since the city's budget, even if the Smolny win process, will receive 810 million rubles less.

The fact is that after the transfer of the shopping complex for rent, "Shop merchants Eliseev" spent the restoration work for 115 million rubles. At least, that was the amount presented in the arbitral tribunal where the tenant addressed to him on the reconstruction costs were taken into account while setting the rent. that lawsuitIt was won by Eugene Prigogine: since the beginning of 2015 the state does not receive a penny for Eliseev. And if the contract on privatization will be signed today, the Treasury will receive slightly more than 700 million rubles. And then - within five years: it is a structure provided by installments Smolny "Store merchants Champs."

If the tenant is able to prove that the evaluation of Colliers International state better, then, subject to the above expenses for reconstruction, the city will gain from the sale of Eliseevsky shop even less than 500 million rubles. However, there were also less favorable transaction: for example, in 2015 the Smolny gave 500 sq.m. Nevsky, 40, close to the Armenian Church, for 250 million rubles. Although, for example, 250 sq.m. in a building opposite the Anichkov Palace №60 city is ready to give not less than 170 million rubles. Tenant - construction company "Prime Group" - contested this price in the court, as well as Eugene Prigogine.


Initially, St. Petersburg businessman Eugene Prigogine began with the restaurant business. For example, he owns a restaurant "Old Customs" on Vasilevsky Island. In Neve long vreI cruised a restaurant-ship New Island. The company "Concord", controlled by Prigogine, is a major performer of public contracts for food services organization in St. Petersburg and in Moscow. In addition, it usually feeds SPIEF sites and other major international events taking place in Russia. Some media called him "Putin's personal chef." Recently, the structure associated with Prigogine won a multibillion-dollar Department of Defense contract for maintenance of military camps. Finally, his name is associated with the financing of the so-called "Factory of trolls."