Shadow cashier Myazin repented

One of the largest shadow financiers, Ivan Myazin, got ready to go free.
As it became known to Kommersant, the most authoritative shadow banker Ivan Myazin, who is serving a sentence in the Petushinsky district of the Vladimir region, decided to be released early. His petition will soon be considered by the local court. It is not yet clear whether Mr. Myazin, who is considered by the Ministry of Internal Affairs to be almost the main expert in the country in cash withdrawal, will succeed in convincing the court that he is firmly on the path of correction. After all, he served most of his term in a pre-trial detention center, and in Petushki, where they did not have time to really get to know him, he was recently convoyed.

Mr. Myazin, held in the general regime colony No. 2 of the Vladimir region, filed a petition with the Petushinsky city court, in which he asked to replace his unserved part of the term with a more lenient form of punishment. The prisoner was supported by the administration of the institution, which reported in the description that she had no complaints against the prisoner and that he had the right to count on early release. The City Court has already accepted Ivan Myazin's application, having appointed it to be considered, but the former banker's chances of success are still small.

The shadow owner of one and a half dozen banks that "collapsed" at different times, Myazin, who was called the country's largest specialist in cashing and withdrawing capital abroad by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, became involved in a criminal case by accident.

This happened after Boris Fomin, the chairman of the board of directors of Promsberbank (PSB), detained in the summer of 2017 and accused of large-scale embezzlement, agreed to cooperate with the him posts.

Finding himself in May 2018 under arrest on charges of embezzlement and embezzlement of PSB funds (part 4 of Art. 159 and part 4 of Art. 160 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), Ivan Myazin also "actively repented", not only testifying in the framework of his criminal case , but also reporting on "other crimes of corruption, unknown to the investigation." As a result, both bankers became both accused in the PSB case and important witnesses in other cases. Mr. Fomin was subsequently sentenced to six years of general regime, Mr. Myazin was given two more years, but both remained in the pre-trial detention center of Mozhaisk near Moscow, where they testified on other crimes.

Convicts could apply for parole after serving half of their term, and taking into account the coefficient equating every day of being in a pre-trial detention center to one and a half days in a colony, it turned out that Messrs. Fomin and Myazin met their "halves" in Mozhaisk. Both petitioned the local court for parole, but they were not accepted there, believing that the authors of the statements had made a mistake in their calculations. The following attempts were made by Messrs. Myazin and Fomin, already in the colonies, from IK-2 (known for holding oppositionist Alexei Navalny) and IK-6 of the Tula Region, respectively.

Despite the brilliant characteristics, and even the investigator in his case petitioned for the convict, the Novomoskovsk City Court refused Mr. ward. Nevertheless, it was stated that he had only "begun to embark on the path of correction" and had not yet reached "the level at which there is no need to continue serving his sentence."

Mr. Fomin's accomplice Myazin asked to be released, having spent even less time in the colony, so the Petushinsky City Court, obviously, will also doubt the sincerity of his repentance.

It is worth noting that, unlike his accomplices, the third ex-head and main shareholder of PSB, Aleksey Kulikov, was released in February last year. He was the first to be detained and arrested and the first to cooperate with the investigation, telling about his involvement in the theft of Mr. Fomin. Mr. Kulikov, recognized as the organizer of the crime, received the longest sentence - ten years, but at the same time the Golovinsky District Court released him from the pre-trial detention center on the first try.

The fact is that the testimony of Alexei Kulikov turned out to be much more valuable than those that his accomplices could provide. The convict stated during interrogation that he owned not only PSB, but also Kreditimpex-bank, which, according to him, was provided “general protection” for bribes by the former deputy head of the “K” department of the FSB SEB Dmitry Frolov, whose case is now being considered by the Moscow Garrison Military Court.
