Shadow bankers got a probation for cashing out 9.2 billion rubles

The Kuntsevo District Court limited itself to probation and a fine for financiers accused of illegal banking activity.
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Kuntsevsky capital Court announced the verdict to two shady bankers, accused of illegally cashing of 9.2 million rubles. The formula for the prosecution during the investigation has not changed - Ildar Safin and Mikhail Polyakov accused of illegally cashing and illegal income -. All for the sum of 9.2 billion being convicted under Part 2 of Article 172 of the Criminal Code (illegal banking activities, committed by an organized group). 47-year-old Safin, received a four-year suspended sentence and a fine of 500 thousand rubles, the 30-year-old Polyakov -. Three-year suspended sentence and a fine.

- Kuntsevo District Court of Moscow June 4 sentenced Ildar Safin and Mikhail Polyakov, accused the points "a", "b" of Part 2 of Article 172 of the Criminal Code, to four years 'imprisonment and three years' imprisonment, respectively, - told "Izvestiya" press secretary Tatyana Danshova Kuntsevo court. - Also, the two defendants will have to pay 500 thousand rubles fine..

The criminal case against the shady bankers was opened in 2011. According to investigators, Safin has created an organized criminal group, in which the activities inHe drew Polyakova. From January 2008 to June 2011, they are not registered, as it should, a legal entity, which in its economic content of the credit institution, for a commission without the license of the Central Bank engaged in illegal banking operations.

According to the prosecutor's office, the attackers opened and led the bank accounts of legal entities, the calculations carried out on their behalf. For cash management, including cash collection accomplices are charged at a rate of 0.5-5.5% of the amount of funds credited to customers accounts they controlled entities.

Total them, investigators believe, it was cashed more than 9.2 billion rubles, and the amount of illegal income in the form of commission made by Safin and Poliakov, amounted to more than 46.1 million rubles.

Lawyers explain such a lenient sentence the specifics of the crime and the actions of the accused.

- Convicted - not murderers and thugs; crimes committed by them, refer to the banking sector, - explained "Izvestia" lawyer Osip Vysotsky. - In addition, they may have gone to the coation with the investigation. And Dmitry Medvedev declared earlier to ease the conditions of the investigation and tracking of criminal cases in the economic sphere. The Court took into account all these circumstances and on the basis of them sentenced.

This is not the first time over the last year, when the capital's security forces is brought to trial and sentencing large shadow obnalschikov. In early April Dorogomilovsky court convicted Anton Gorbachev, a part of the shadow bankers group, carries out its activities through the "Mail of Russia". Gorbachev, who was not the most important figure in the OPS, was convicted of cashing 11 billion rubles through bogus contracts providing marketing services. Other participants of the chain - the alleged organizer Philippe tzolkin, employees of "Mail of Russia" Lyudmila Bogachev, Nicholas estimated-Krokin and Anatoly Prostyakov and Olga Chernikova, which is "responsible" for the creation of one-day firms and communication with customers - are still under investigation.

Today in Russia continue to operate illegal banks operating without a license and other permits. TheyThey tend to have a constant and a very narrow range of clients. These customers often do not want to officially register their trades officially, fearing the attention of the tax authorities and representatives of the Federal Financial Monitoring Service. Typically, in order to cash out some money, shady bank first opened a dozen companies, one-day, activity profile which - providing marketinogvyh or consulting services (results of such activity is very difficult to verify). The client takes on the expense of one or more organizations certain sum for alleged services and then get back cash, formally derived firmoy- "pacifier", net of interest.