Sergey Chemezov lost half a billion rubles because of contractors "Uralvagonzavod"

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation could not recover the penalty for the broken contract.
Uralvagonzavod NPK (UVZ) through the court is trying to return the advance payments that the new contractor of the corporation received from Moscow in 2017 - the builders had to build three workshops for the production of special equipment. Although the insurance company Stroy Group at the time of signing contracts worth 1.8 billion rubles did not have a production base or administrative staff in Nizhny Tagil, this did not stop the representatives of the new owner of the company, Rostec. The state corporation signed expensive contracts with the company and transferred hundreds of millions of rubles to the contractor as an advance, and two years later, UVZ, instead of ready-made workshops, received only the foundation for the electroplating shop. The subsidiary of Rostec has already tried to find new contractors for the completion of construction within the framework of the state program for the modernization of the defense-industrial complex enterprise. It will be valid until 2020, inclusive, the builders are being offered to “bring to mind” the long-term construction of a “special purpose”. They are hurrying potential order performers - the workshops were supposed to start execution of the state defense order as early as this year, and the Ministry of Defense already has complaints about the corporation because of the timing of the work.

The Russian defense ministry could not recover from Uralvagonzavod (including Rostec) a penalty for the 2017 deadline for the delivery of the state defense order. For 1.4 billion rubles, the military bought from UVZ engineering warding off equipment IMR-ZM.

Five cars were to be transferred to the First Guards Engineering Sainting Brigade in Murom on November 25, 2017, but instead, according to the ministry, the transfer and acceptance certificate was signed only on December 25. For the monthly delay, the Ministry of Defense accrued a penalty of more than 30 million rubles and sent a claim to the manufacturer.

However, the Nizhny Tagil machine builders managed to prove that they brought the goods to the military unit on time, in confirmation of this, the November consignment note was provided. Belatedly, only the final set of documents was signed. Based on these circumstances, the court refused to the military requirements.

Currently, the corporation is actively working to upgrade production facilities related to the release of weapons. In 2017, after the change of ownership and management of Uralvagonzavod, Pravda UrFO reported in detail that the implementation of three contracts of 1.8 billion rubles to modernize the “special production” in Nizhny Tagil entered a new contractor for the company, which was the only participant traded contests.

At that time, the construction company Stroy Group had already been working on orders from defense enterprises and the Main Directorate of Arrangement of Troops, but in Nizhny Tagil, where a large contract was to be implemented, it did not have a production base, and it opened its branch only a month after the first deal was concluded .

The company was to build an electroplating box for 666 million rubles. The second contract for the creation of a new machine-assembly shop was estimated at 757 million rubles, and for 392 million rubles the Stroy Group IC was to build a nitrogen-oxygen station. All these facilities were planned to be commissioned in 2018, but later the contracts were extended until the end of 2019. To date, the UVZ has broken all three of these deals and is trying to sue the contractor’s unearned advance and interest for the deadline for the implementation of orders.
Most of the money "Uralvagonzavod" managed to invest in the creation of mechanical assembly production. According to the Arbitration Court of the Sverdlovsk Region, the corporation demanded the return of 220 million rubles of unjust enrichment, since almost 250 million rubles were transferred as an advance payment. Another 3.7 million rubles for non-performance of compulsory work, 2.2 million rubles for the use of other people's money, 3.7 million rubles for failure to provide a mandatory bank guarantee, and more than 16 million rubles for disrupting the terms of the contract. Under the other two contracts, the NPC demanded the return of unearned advances - 80 million and 118 million rubles.

The press service of the UVZ refrained from commenting on the reason for which, in May of this year, relations with the insurance company Stroy Group were severed. The company did not clarify whether the delay in the implementation of projects will affect the execution of long-term state defense orders from the Russian Defense Ministry.

“Recently, the ministry has been trying to sign two-three-year contracts with the defense industry. The structure of "Rostec" could plan these workshops to participate in the execution of the state defense order of 2020. Still, I do not think that this will drastically affect the timing of the execution of the order, but in financial terms there may be additional costs. In the extreme case, they will be forced to involve subcontractors for certain types of work, ”the Pravda UrFO interlocutor from the military-industrial complex emphasized.

Another bottleneck in the current situation is the timing of the implementation of the planned work on the modernization of special production. All of them are carried out as part of the state program for the modernization of defense enterprises in 2011-2020. Until the end of the document and, accordingly, federal co-financing, it remains only a year and a half, and Uralvagonzavod will have to promptly look for new contractors, while tightly controlling the timing of the work.

In July, the corporation has already placed a tender for construction and installation works under the project “Reconstruction of special production. Procurement Production. According to the tender documentation, it was again about creating a three-story electroplating plant. Despite the fact that the former contractor did do some of the work, the contract price was set at 642 million rubles (Stroy Group agreed to do the work for 666 million rubles). In particular, the pile field is clogged, the monolithic reinforced concrete foundation and the glasses under the columns are poured, the main bearing prefabricated reinforced concrete structures of the first and second floors of the frame are partially mounted.

However, not a single construction company wanted to participate in the Uralvagonzavod tender, because of this the bidding was declared invalid.