Senator Rauf Arashukov arrested for organizing murders

The youngest senator of the Russian Federation was detained by the FSB. During interrogation, he stated that he did not speak Russian.
The Federation Council today gave consent to the Prosecutor General’s Office for the criminal prosecution of Senator from the KCR Rauf Arashukov, who was detained at the exit from the meeting room by the FSB. He was charged with murder, participation in a criminal community and pressure on a witness. In the near future, the investigation will appeal to the Basmanny district court with a petition for his arrest. There are already several people in the SIZO case, at least one of whom testified against Mr. Arashukov. Also today, the senator’s father, Raul Arashukov, was detained. He is suspected of organizing a criminal community.

With the petition for consent to bring Rauf Arashukov to criminal responsibility in the Federation Council, Prosecutor General Yury Chaika appealed. He also announced the document this morning at the meeting of the Federation Council. According to some information, the reaction of the senators was monitored by the head of the TFR Alexander Bastrykin, who was in the hall.

The senator is suspected by the TFR of organizing several crimes, including the high-profile murders of the leader of the youth movement “Adyge Khase” Aslan Zhukov and the adviser to the ex-president of Karachay-Cherkessia Boris Ebzeev Frall Shebzukhov committed in Cherkessk in 2010.
Mr. Zhukov was shot in a car at his own car wash, and Mr. Shebzukhov was beaten to death with baseball bats.

The crimes remained unsolved for a long time, but in 2012, the investigators of the TFR detained a suspect in the murder - a local resident Rasul Ajiyev. He was charged with the murder of Mr. Zhukov, but in the end the court acquitted the killer for the lack of evidence of his involvement in the crime.

After that, the relatives of Mr. Zhukov held several protests. By order of the head of the TFR, Alexander Bastrykin, this and other criminal cases involving the commission of especially grave crimes in the KCR, the local unit transferred to the central office of the investigative department. Ajiev, who was already acquitted, came to that place and decided to admit his guilt and tell about the organizers of the crime.

According to the killer, the order came to him from Ruslan Agoev, husband of the sister of the senator from KCR Rauf Arashukov, whom he served as a security guard. Ruslan Agoev did not have time to delay - he flew away allegedly in order to treat a lung disease in the UAE, where he did not return.

On November 9, 2018, the investigator issued a resolution declaring Mr. Agoev on the federal wanted list, and the very next day he was internationally wanted. On November 23, the Basmanny District Court arrested the husband of the senator’s sister in absentia, who was also accused in absentia of murder and illegal arms trafficking, (Article 105 and Article 222 of the Criminal Code) for two months from the moment of his arrest or extradition to Russia.

In Ajiev’s testimony, the customer of this and a whole series of other murders was called Senator Arashukov, but in order to establish his direct involvement in the crimes, the investigation took time. The official representative of the TFR, Svetlana Petrenko, confirmed to “Kommersant” that for the time being the senator from the KCR is suspected of killing Messrs Zhukov and Shebzukhov.

A source of “Kommersant” noted that they detained the ex-senator immediately, because he was charged with particularly serious crimes, and besides, the FSB officers who were carrying out operational support of the investigation had information about the planned departure of the politician from the country.

Later, the TFR charged Rauf Arashukov with the crimes provided for by part 3 of article 210 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (participation in a criminal community), part 4 of article 319 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (pressure on a witness), part 2 of Article 105 of the criminal code of the Russian Federation (murder ). During the interrogation, Arashukov stated that he did not speak Russian sufficiently and demanded a translator who was provided for him.

Sources "b" also noted that law enforcement agencies have information that Mr. Arashukov could have been involved in fraud on a large scale.

According to Kommersant’s sources, one of the witnesses in the case against Senator Arashukov is the ex-senator from KCR Vyacheslav Derev, who is now himself in custody in Moscow on charges of fraud with VAT. Source “Kommersant” noted that, since the KChR republic is small, in a few days everyone knew who exactly was behind the assassinations of Messrs Zhukov and Shebzukhov.

But thanks to his connections in law enforcement, including in the regional TFR, the influential Arashukov clan in the republic "was able to ward off suspicion from himself." Despite numerous rallies of the relatives of the victims and their appeals to the federal authorities, the investigation did not actually progress. Meanwhile, in 2012, Mr. Derev gave an interview in which he actually indicated Mr. Arashukov’s involvement in high-profile crimes in the republic. A response soon followed - the siloviki came to the commercial structures connected with the senator. After the searches, a criminal case on fraud on a large scale (part 4 of article 159 of the Criminal Code) was opened, which ended with the arrest of Mr. Derev himself, who this year will be 70 years old. Surrounded by Mr. Wood, there is little doubt that Mr. Arashukov and people associated with him could stand behind his criminal prosecution.

Vyacheslav Derev explained to the investigation what his suspicions about the current senator from the KCR were based on. Surrounded by the ex-senator, they hope that after the arrest of senator Arashukov, an audit will be carried out in the case of Mr. Derev, which will end with the termination of his criminal prosecution.

Simultaneously with the detention of his son in the Federation Council in St. Petersburg, the father of Senator Raul Arashukov was detained in the Gazprom building. Since the late 1990s, he has headed various departments of Mezhregiongaz, and since 2011, he has served as adviser to the general director of Gazprom Mezhregiongaz, coordinating the work of the company's branches in the North Caucasus Federal District.

Arashukov Sr., told “Kommersant” in the TFR, in cases of murder does not yet appear.

But he is suspected of organizing a criminal community using his official position (part 3 of article 210 of the Criminal Code). According to investigators, he was involved in the theft of natural gas worth more than 30 billion rubles. Rauf Arashukov, obviously, was a member of this OPS, responsible in it for power actions and political cover. We note that under the incriminated articles of the Criminal Code, Arashukov Jr. faces life imprisonment, and his father up to 25 years in prison.

As part of the investigation, officers of the TFR, the FSB and the police today conducted dozens of searches, including in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Stavropol and Cherkessk.