How clan Kaitov taxis power Karachay-Cherkessia

The story of one of the richest Caucasian families with a dark past and scandalous present.
Origin source
Against the background of the loud detention and defeat of the Arashukov clan, the FBK has published a new investigation, which states that the majority of state funds entering Karachay-Cherkessia are divided among themselves by several influential families. And if the Arashukov clan can conditionally be called the "gas kings" of the North Caucasus, then the Kaitov clan, about which Navalny tells, may well claim to be the "kings of energy". Both families share spheres of influence, and at the same time they both have access to the head of the KCR Rashid Temrezov.

Teenager in a billion home

To investigate the Kaitov family - an influential Caucasian clan, which, like the Arashukov clan, operates in Karachay-Cherkessia, the leader of the Anti-Corruption Foundation, Alexei Navalny, was helped by a YouTube video, thanks to which he found a house in Cherkessk with an area of ​​two thousand square meters and worth under a billion rubles . The house belongs to the minor Kaitov Ansar Alievich.

“Karachay-Cherkessia is a poor republic. Humiliatingly poor, and now you will see why. There, everything, absolutely everything was divided among themselves by several families, united in cunningly woven clans and distributing ALL the money that comes to the region from the budget. Every penny - whether it be gas, electricity or landscaping. Parliament, government, courts, large enterprises and resorts - absolutely everything is controlled by a small group of people, blood relatives who have been robbing those who live on this land for decades, ”the investigation says.

As Navalny writes on his website, he made an investigation about the Kaitovs literally at the request of Internet users, who left a lot of comments in the spirit of “new material for Navalny” to the video about the renovation of a luxury estate.

By simple manipulations with maps at FBK, the location of the house was determined and it was established that according to the documents it passes as a “rest room / health complex” with an area of ​​only 310 square meters. meters, and recorded on a teenager. But a teenager is not easy - for example, he goes to his school prom driving a Mercedes with flashing lights in the center of the city and shoots from a Kalashnikov rifle.

Served for murder

His father - Aliy Zaurovich Kaitov. He is the son-in-law of the former president of Karachay-Cherkessia - Mustafa Batdyev.

In 2004, seven people were shot from machine guns at Aliya Kaitov's dacha, including Rasul Bogatyryov, a member of the regional parliament from the Liberal Democratic Party, with whom the Kaitov clan did not share the cement plant. The story was loud, although at first they tried to hush up it - the investigator who arrived at the crime scene did not find any traces of the murder.

Aliy Kaitov would have remained unpunished, but the very next day the relatives of the victims literally broke into the presidential brother-in-law’s estate, found cartridges and blood traces, after which rallies began in Cherkessk demanding to extradite Kaitov and his father-in-law to resign. A few days later, Aliy Kaitov surrendered to the authorities, after receiving 17 years in a colony, although, as many residents of the KCR, believe, he deserved a life sentence, and then the period was 10 years.

In 2014, Kaitov was released. In the same year, Senator from the KCR Rauf Arashukov, who is now sitting in jail on charges of organizing two murders, published a photo with Kaitov on Instagram, signing "my brother."

Non-poor family

After his release from prison, the son-in-law of the now former president of the KChR headed the company Integrated Utility Systems Holding - in the past, the Cherkessk urban power grid. Family ties helped him in this - Uncle Aliya Kaitova, Magomed Kaitov, for a long time headed the Caucasus Energy Management Company, and in the media he was called "the king of the power grids of the North Caucasus." Recall that Raul Arashukov, arrested in the case of theft of natural gas for 30 billion rubles, is called the "gas king of the North Caucasus."

It was about the Kaitov clan that President Vladimir Putin spoke in 2011, speaking about corruption in the electricity industry. So, in 2013, Magomed Kaitov was arrested on charges of embezzling 4 billion rubles. Already by 2015, he was free.

Aliya Kaitov's father, Zaur Kaitov, was also an official and headed the Forestry Agency for the Karachay-Cherkess Republic. Brother Aliya Kaitova Akhmat heads the regional road administration Karachaev Cherkautavtodor, and the father-in-law of the latter, Albert Karabashev, previously led the republic’s police.

Islam Karabyshev - the son of Albert Karabyshev, the prosecutor. Jamila Kaitova - daughter of Magomed Kaitov. The founder of the "intellectual female salon", rides on the "Bentley". Karina Kaitova - lives in New York, works as a DJ and singer, the official ambassador of the Chanel house in Russia.

Next, Navalny describes all the kinship ties of the Kaitov family, illustrating them with photographs of expensive mansions, yachts, luxury cars and other luxury goods, which the Kaitovs and their children show off on social networks.

High connections

The mayor of Cherkessk, Ruslan Tambiyev, is one of the founders of the Integrated Utility Systems Holding Company, which is currently headed by Aliy Kaitov. With a modest salary, Tambiyev sports a watch worth 1.5 million rubles.

The head of Karachay-Cherkessia, Rashid Temrezov, was spotted in one of the photographs with his eldest son, Aliya Kaitov, Aslan. The young man calls the head of the republic "dear uncle." One can only guess what kind of connections are actually between Temrezov and the Kaitov clan, if, for example, Temrezov was sent to the Federation Council, for example, by the outraged senator Rauf Arashukov.

As Navalny writes, Rashid Temrezov was previously subordinate to Aliy Kaitov, working as CEO in Kaitov power networks. In the media, he was called Kaitov’s “right hand”, suggesting that he could be at Kaitov’s country house on the night of the seven murders.

Also, the head of FBK is perplexed how Rashid Temrezov, with an official salary of 74 thousand rubles, is the owner of a whole collection of watches of luxury brands, each of which cost millions of rubles.

“Absolutely unscrupulous are not even swindlers, but criminals are murderers, bandits. They completely capture entire regions and can do anything there. Of course, in close conjunction with Moscow. Do you think the Kremlin does not know or not participate? Well, think for yourself. The whole of Karachay-Cherkessia is only 465 thousand people. Less than the population of Tula. But even from such a small subject of the federation, these clans manage to squeeze tens of billions. They literally robbed everyone there. There the state’s goal now is to enrich specific families, ”the oppositionist sums up.