Sberbank got lost in Krasnaya Polyana?

The Moscow-based Sochi company OOO Premier Service initiated the bankruptcy of JSC Krasnaya Polyana. The Olympic object which had passed a long way from "wheeler-dealer" Ahmed Bilalov to Mikhail Gutseriev and, finally, Sberbank, can become bankrupt.
Declared "Premier service" amount of debt - 17.3 million rubles. At the same time the courts of different instances to consider claims of other creditors of JSC "Krasnaya Polyana" in the amount of 2 million to 114 million rubles.

In late October, it was reported that the Russian government is discussing the transfer of the complex algorithm jumps sports and tourist center "Mountain Carousel" from the JSC "Krasnaya Polyana" state.

It should be emphasized that according to the site of the arbitral tribunal edge, the claim for the debt to JSC "Krasnaya Polyana" presented other counterparts, except for "Premier Service". Thus, Ltd. "AS project" charges the developer's debt by two agreements: on 95 million and 114 million rubles., Ltd. "Architectural M. Atayants" - 14 million rubles., "Industrial Construction Company" - 2 million rubles.

As we have noted, "Krasnaya Polyana" through "CRS holding" (owns 96.01% of shares of "Krasnaya Polyana") belongs to the "Savings Bank", according to "SPARK-Interfax" reference system, half of the shares of JSC is pledged VEB.

RecallJSC "Krasnaya Polyana" were responsible for constructing several major Olympic facilities, such as sports and tourist center "Mountain Carousel", as well as of hotel and residential infrastructure.

Property was constructed with funds borrowed from the bank, the total limit allocated by the bank "Krasnaya Polyana", reached 52 billion rubles., Of which the greater part directed to the construction of hotels and apartments (about 1.5 ths. Numbers). The question is: why not credited "Sberbank" and why the claim only 17 million ?!

"Hand in Hand"

In 2013, the co-owner of BIN Mikhail Gutseriev told about the deal to buy 41 per cent stake in the "Krasnaya Polyana" my brother the former head of "Resorts of the North Caucasus" Ahmed Bilalova - Magomed.

According to him, participation in the project cost $ 20 million instead of 300 million, referred to earlier, a source close to the Bilalov. Gutseriev also said that the "Savings Bank" was not involved in the transaction. But then in the state bank daughter still was the owner of the assets.

Recall, shortly Ahmed accused the Bilalovaor unreasonable spending of budget funds. As it turns out, it is particularly active Bilalov spend money on overseas flights KSK.

Thus, according to the Prosecutor General's Office, for Bilalova trip in France, England and other countries were ordered charter flights worth about 80 million rubles. In the United Arab Emirates used a helicopter to move from the hotel to the airport.

Bilalov also spent 2.5 million rubles for accommodation in London during the Olympic Games and another 800 thousand - for transport. Prosecutor General's Office also found that in 2012 Bilalov spent 600 thousand rubles for a trip to the US, but the report of this trip in the documents found on the company. and other violations were identified.

Investigators believe that instead of investing in the construction, the general director of "Krasnaya Polyana" Stanislav Hatckevich and CFO of the company Elena Rayterer placed the money in the National Business Development Bank (NBB) is owned by Magomed Bilalova under 4-7% per annum. Then they got them through affiliated with Bilalov organization back in the form of loans, but at 12.5% ​​per annum. As a result, the difference inpercent, according to the investigation, from May 2011 to September 2012 the management of "Krasnaya Polyana" illegally received 45.5 million rubles.

As a result, in the case of recognition by the court substantiated claims of "Premier Service" and the introduction of surveillance in relation to the debtor, "any dealings with the assets of JSC" Krasnaya Polyana ", for example, the possible transfer of sports facilities to the state, will be much more difficult.

According to one version, "Premier Service" specifically inhibits the transfer of "Krasnaya Polyana" state because money "Olympic firms' simply settled in the pockets of the owners, the last of which was the" Savings Bank ".

Doubtful "Sberbank"

So, Mr. Bilalova had to flee from Russia, and he sold expensive asset for nothing Gutsirievu, and he - "Sberbank" .About that the state bank can participate in such schemes can be judged from the business activities of a financial institution. For example, a similar situation occurs with "Mostovik" CEO Oleg SHishov which was detained. businessman aboutinyayut in unpaid wages to employees in more than 500 rubles, but it is not so simple.

It should be noted that in May 2014 "Sberbank" for debt was 20% of the shares of the company. The "Savings Bank" announced that it plans to actively participate in the management of "bridge-builders", including helping to get new contracts. For example, the "Savings Bank" lobbied for "bridge-builders' order Kerch bridge, although unsuccessfully.

But in July 2014 the Russian engineering and construction company "Mostovik" from Omsk affiliated elites, paid 15.5 billion of loans "Savings Bank". Builders do not fulfill orders on time, resulting in overpayments to creditors and the state bank that actively uses, although there is a great asset of the company. A number of experts began to talk about banal raider attacks.

In September 2014 the Kirov district court granted the petition of the Omsk branch of the "Savings Bank" to Shishova, his deputy on the economy and Mikhail Fedyaeva CFO Natalia Kravchenko to recover from them jointly and severally 1.33 billion rubles.

Under the management of the state bank, German Gref seen in convente questionable schemes raider attacks and corruption. More details can be found in our materials, for example, in the article "Sberbank Herman and" his team "?".